Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2012

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2012

6 Common Tern - main lake 2 Lapwing broods - still on scrape and NE corner of marsh 2 Little Ringed Plover - flying between scrape and main lake 1 Common Sandpiper - scrape 3 Redshank [...]

2 May 2012

Wildlife sightings for 1st May 2012

Wildlife sightings for 1st May 2012

1 Cuckoo - perched on marsh fence, flew to the summer route after being harrassed by a Lapwing 1 Shelduck - main lake 1 Little Egret - main lake 1 Whimbrel - flew E @ 1.05pm 1 Oysterca [...]

1 May 2012

Wildlife sightings for 30th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 30th April 2012

1 Kestrel - male, hunting over reedbed/main lake 1 Little Egret - marsh 1 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh Lapwing chicks - 5 seen after a brief look this mor [...]

30 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2012

1 Little Ringed Plover - main lake 1 Common Sandpiper - scrape, then flew to lake 3 Lapwing chicks - still on long island in front of scrape hide c. 170 Herring Gull - loafing on marsh and [...]

29 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2012

7 Shelduck - marsh and scrape 2 Hobby - perched in cedar tree on Castlenau 3 Little Ringed Plover 8 Redshank - scrape and marsh Lapwing: 16 pairs across the main lake, marsh and scrape [...]

28 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2012

6 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 5 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 7 Common Tern - main lake, wader scrape 2 Swift - main lake 25+ Sand Martin - wader scrape, main lake [...]

27 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2012

2 Little Ringed Plover - long shingle island, main lake 1 Peregrine - juvenile male, hunting over site 4 Common Tern - main lake tern rafts 1 Yellow-legged Gull - 2nd summer bird, scrape [...]

26 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 25th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 25th April 2012

2 Shelduck - scrape 1 Little Egret - marsh 3 Little Ringed Plover - main lake, 2 of which were mating 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Peregrine - flew over, carrying prey for the chic [...]

25 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 24th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 24th April 2012

Several Swifts: our first of the year 5 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 6 Cetti's Warbler - sheltered lagoon, main lake,reedbed, wildside, reservoir lagoon 2 Willow Warbler - wi [...]

24 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 23rd April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 23rd April 2012

3 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Common Sandpiper - scrape 6 Redshank - scrape 3 Common Tern - tern raft and main lake 20+ Sand Martin - feeding and [...]

23 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2012

5 Common Tern - main lake, resr lagoon 17 Lapwing - marsh, main lake, scrape 40+ Swallow - flew W, mostly a.m. 20+ Sand Martin - main lake, wildside, resr lagoon, scrape 4 Willow [...]

22 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 21st April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 21st April 2012

1 Iceland Gull 1st winter - scrape (1600hrs) (Image kindly donated by David Darrell-Lambert) 1 Shelduck - main lake 1 Jack Snipe - scrape 8 Redshank - marsh, main lake, scrape 4 Common [...]

21 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 20th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 20th April 2012

8 Redshank - scrape      (0810-0930hrs) 1 Shelduck - gull ridge on main lake 1 Little Egret - marsh 3 Swallow - flew over main lake 23 Sand Martin - scrap [...]

20 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 19th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 19th April 2012

3 Ringed Plover tundrae - scrape 2 Common Sandpiper - scrape 6 Redshank - main lake, scrape, marsh 16 Lapwing + 8 nests - scrape, main lake, marsh 3 Little Ringed Plover 3&nbs [...]

19 April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 18th April 2012

Wildlife sightings for 18th April 2012

4 Shelduck - main lake 2 Little Ringed Plover - main lake 4 Sand Martin - scrape 2 Common Tern - sat on main lake long shingle island 1 Reed Warbler - singing SE corner of main lake [...]

18 April 2012