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Wildlife sightings for 7th February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 7th February 2016

1 Raven - flew over sheltered lagoon 1 Bittern - north shore reservoir lagoon 2 Pintail - main lake 43 Wigeon - scrape and marsh 47 Cormorant - main lake   Additional sightings for yesterday: 1 2nd W Iceland Gull flew S at 10:50 a.m. 2 Jack Snipe - s

7 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 6th February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 6th February 2016

1 Redshank - main lake 2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 4 Redwing - entrance lake 6 Siskin - South route 1 2nd W Iceland Gull flew S at 10:50 a.m. 2 Jack Snipe - scrape 7 Snipe 1 Stonechat   January/February bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldene

6 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 5th February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 5th February 2016

2 Bittern - reservoir lagoon 1 Redshank - wader scrape 2 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 2 Pintail - main lake 5 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 2 Stonechat - grazing marsh 2 Peregrine - perched on charing cross hospital   January/February bird highlights: Bit

5 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 4th February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 4th February 2016

2 Caspian Gull adult winter - marsh 1 Yellow-legged Gull 2nd winter - marsh, then on the main lake 1 Rock Pipit - main lake shingle island (close to the Peacock Tower) 2 Stonechat - marsh (N bund) 16 Siskin - singing in wildside January/February bird high

4 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 3rd February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 3rd February 2016

2 Bittern - north side reservoir lagoon 1 Peregrine - main lake 2 Stonechat - marsh, near wildside hide 1 Skylark - flew NW   January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Caspian Gull, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh

3 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 2nd February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 2nd February 2016

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon 2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge 6 Redwing - entrance area January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Caspian Gull, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh Tit, Br

2 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 1st February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 1st February 2016

2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 6 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 83 Lapwing - main lake 3 Snipe - scrape   January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Caspian Gull, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh Tit, Brambling, Siskin, R

1 February 2016

Wildlife sightings for 31st January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 31st January 2016

1 Caspian Gull adult - main lake (from WWF hide) a.m. 2 Bittern - one flew from the resr lagoon into the middle of the reedbed, the other bird was still along the N shore of the resr lagoon 1 Shelduck - flew W 4 Fieldfare - entrance area, sheltered lag

31 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 30th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 30th January 2016

3 Bittern - resr lagoon 2 Stonechat - marsh 5 Redpoll - flew NW   January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh Tit, Brambling, Siskin, Redpoll, Linnet. Up to 4 Bittern can be found on

31 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 29th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 29th January 2016

1 Bittern - resr lagoon 6 Pintail - scrape, marsh 79 Lapwing - main lake 8 Snipe - main lake, scrape, marsh 7 Fieldfare - feeding on Rose Hips sheltered lagoon 13 Redwing - sheltered lagoon, entrance area 10 Siskin - wildside, sheltered lagoon 2 Redpo

29 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 28th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 28th January 2016

2 Shelduck - scrape 2 Bittern - resr lagoon 1 Jack Snipe - main lake (central island looking W from the Peacock Tower) 8 Snipe - flew from marsh to the scrape, disturbed by a Peregrine 11 Mandarin - resr lagoon 2 Stonechat - marsh 18 Redwing - sheltered

28 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 27th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 27th January 2016

1 Bittern - resr lagoon 3 Shelduck - scrape 2 Pintail - main lake 4 Snipe - scrape 72 Lapwing - main lake   January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh Tit, Brambling, Siskin, Redpoll,

27 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th January 2016

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon 2 Shelduck - pair, marsh 1 Pintail - male, main lake 7 Mandarin - wildside 12 Redwing - entrance area   January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh Tit, Br

26 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th January 2016

1 Woodcock - flew from cover by the Sand Martin Bank and headed towards the scrape 2 Bittern - resr lagoon 9 Snipe - marsh 42 Redwing - flew SW 1 Bullfinch - flew NW 16 Siskin - sheltered lagoon 6 Meadow Pipit - flew W 2 Reed Bunting - flew W 4 Fieldfare

25 January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th January 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th January 2016

3 Bittern - 2 N shore reservoir lagoon, 1 main lake 2 Pintail - main lake 52 Wigeon - marsh 2 Stonechat - marsh   January bird highlights: Bittern, Brent Goose, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Marsh Tit, Brambling, Siskin, Re

24 January 2016