Goldeneye on the reservoir lagoon

early morning misty views of Pintail and Stonechat

2 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon a.m., seen on main lake p.m.

1 Pintail - main lake

1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh (island 16)

2 Snipe - grazing marsh

1 Water Pipit - calling from the wader scrape

2 Stonechat - wader scrape, grazing marsh

1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge

November bird highlights: Jack Snipe, Knot, Bittern, Water Rail, Little Egret, Stonechat, Siskin, Skylark, Lesser Redpoll, Bearded Tit, Chiffchaff.

Dragonflies: (November) Migrant Hawker

Fungi: (November) Hairy Oysterling (2nd photo below), Hawthorn Twiglet, Pink Domecap, Yellow Stainer, Dewdrop Bonnet, Fatal Dapperling, Bay Polypore, Common Puffball, Tuberous Polypore, Slender Club, Weeping Bolete, Crested Coral (1st photo below), Blushing Wood Mushroom (3rd photo below), Fragrant Funnel.

Crested Coral - R.Bullock

Hairy Oysterling - R.Bullock

Blushing Wood Mushroom - R.Bullock

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