Mediterranean Gull flock on main lake all day 7th June 2020

5 Mediterranean Gull calling and feeding on the main lake. Wildflower meadows looking lovely across the reserve.

5 Mediterranean Gull - main lake

2 Oystercatcher - main lake

2 Lapwing juveniles - scrape, marsh

1 Red Kite - drifted over NW

1 Sparrowhawk - wildside

4 Chiffchaff (1 juvenile, 3 adult) - wildside, sheltered lagoon

Dragonflies: Common Blue Damselfly, Azure Damselfly (see photo below), Blue-tailed Damselfly, Hairy Dragonfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Large Red Damselfly, Broad-bodied Chaser, Black-tailed Skimmer (early June).

Amphibians: Marsh Frogs singing in wildside ponds, entrance lake, pond zone.

Reptiles: 31 slow worm, 6 grass snake (19th May transect).

Wildflowers: wildside 'tall herb wet fen grasslands' are currently the best for species like Meadow Rue, Southern Marsh Orchid, Common Spotted Orchid, Tufted Vetch, Hemlock Water-dropwort, Meadow Vetchling, Yellow Bartsia, Also to be found on the reserve there's Bird's-foot Trefoil, Bee Orchid, Yellow Flag, Common Vetch, Grass Vetchling, Ox-eye Daisy, Rough Hawkbit, Cat's Ear, White Water Lily, Fringed Water Lily, Water Forget-me-not, Branched Bur-reed, Greater Pond Sedge, Pendulous Sedge, Tussock Sedge all in flower.

Butterflies: (June) Orange Tip, Peacock, Small Tortoishell, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Small White, Holly Blue, Common Blue (see photo below).

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