Red Kite over West and Bittern still on the reservoir lagoon

4 Pintail and Common Snipe showing well in front of the main observatory also this morning.

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon North shore

1 Red Kite - flew over heading West

4 Pintail - main lake, reservoir lagoon

5 Common Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake (in front of main observatory)

4 Stonechat - grazing marsh

1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh

6 Redwing - entrance area

4 Fieldfare - entrance area

2 Shelduck - wader scrape

The grazing marsh and scrape are best for watching wintering Shoveler, Teal and Wigeon. Listen for bird song across the reserve with Song Thrush, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Robin and Cetti's Warbler being particularly vocal at the moment.

March bird highlights: Bittern, Goldeneye, Yellow-legged Gull, Iceland Gull, Water Rail, Redshank, Jack Snipe, Water Pipit(2), Stonechat(8), Red Kite, Chiffchaff.

Reptiles: Common Lizard recorded 1st February.

Early flowering plants: Marsh Marigold, Cowslip, Ragwort, Daisy, Winter Aconite, Snowdrop, Hazel, Primrose, Stinking Hellebore, Butcher's Broom, Gorse, Early Crocus, Meadow Buttercup, Wild Daffodil, Wild Plum, Blackthorn, Sallow.

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