Redwing on the move

Shelduck showing well on the main lake, dozens of Redwing and Fieldare through, plus 3 Bittern on main lake and reservoir lagoon

3 Bittern - main lake N+S shores, reservoir lagoon N shore

2 Shelduck - main lake

4 Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape

45+ Redwing - flew over heading S+W

19 Fieldfare - flew over heading W

2 Water Pipit - wader scrape, marsh

2 Stonechat - wader scrape

2 Peregrine - perched on the hospital

November bird highlights: Jack Snipe, Knot, Bittern, Goldeneye, Pintail, Water Rail, Little Egret, Yellow-legged Gull, Caspian Gull, Black Redstart, Stonechat, Siskin, Skylark, Water Pipit, Brambling, Lesser Redpoll, Bearded Tit (photo below), Chiffchaff.

Bearded Tit (photo by Robert Fleming)

Fungi: (November) Hairy Oysterling, Hawthorn Twiglet, Pink Domecap, Yellow Stainer, Dewdrop Bonnet, Fatal Dapperling, Bay Polypore, Common Puffball, Tuberous Polypore, Slender Club, Weeping Bolete, Crested Coral (1st photo below), Blushing Wood Mushroom, Fragrant Funnel, Alder Woodwart, Blistered Cup (2nd photo below), Common Bird's Nest, Stubble Rosegill, Yellowing Knight.

Crested Coral - R.Bullock

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