Snipe huddled amongst the Iris

Good numbers of Snipe feeding and roosting together on the grazing marsh this morning.

3 Stonechat - grazing marsh fence

3 Meadow Pipit - flew over South

2 Skylark - flying South

100+ House Martin - flew low over the main lake and reservoir lagoon heading South/South West

1 Common Sandpiper - main lake

6 Snipe - grazing marsh

1 Kestrel - flew over the courtyard

1 Water Rail - calling from the main reedbed

Flowering plants: (late August) Bird's-foot Trefoil, White Water-lily, Marsh Woundwort, Purple Loosestrife, Meadow Vetchling, Common Vetch, Self-heal, Hop Trefoil, Common Knapweed, Betony, Tufted Vetch, Figwort, Lady's Bedstraw, Great Burnet, Yellow Loosestrife.

Invertebrates: (late August) Honey Bee, Buff-tailed Bumblebee, White-tailed Bumblebee, Comma, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Small White, Large White, Red Admiral, Common Blue, Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle, Black-and-yellow Longhorn Beetle, Black-striped Longhorn Beetle, Umbellifer Longhorn Beetle, Plum Longhorn Beetle, Stag Beetle, Common Zebra Spider, Wasp Spider, Lesser Emperor (see photo below), Brown Hawker, Azure Damselfly, Common Blue Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfy, Black-tailed Skimmer, Willow Emerald, Long-winged Conehead.

Moths: (July 17th and 24th moth trap results) - Vapourer, Yellow Shell, Brown-veined Wainscot, Black Arches, Canary-shouldered Thorn, Tree-lichen Beauty, Common Carpet, Single-dotted Wave, Common Footman, Burnished Brass, Copper Underwing, Rustic, Dusky Sallow, Chilo, Obscure Wainscot, Dark Sword-grass, Pebble Prominent, Rosy-striped Knot-horn, Scarce Footman, Silver Y, Webb's Wainscot, European Corn-borer, Rosy Footman, Least Carpet, Dark Umber, Dusky Thorn, Gold Spot, Jersey Tiger.

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