Whitethroat and Garden Warbler recorded 7th May 2020

Good counts of breeding passerines on site. Lots of butterflies spotted this week too.

1 Whitethroat - reservoir lagoon

51 Reed Warbler - site count

12 Sedge Warbler - site count

2 Yellow Wagtail - marsh

15 Cetti's Warbler - site count

1 Garden Warbler - sheltered lagoon

6 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon

6 Reed Bunting - sheltered lagoon, reedbed

9 Blackcap - site count

1 Water Rail - marsh

1 Common Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon

6 Swallow - reservoir lagoon/marsh

3 Snipe - marsh

2 Common Tern - main lake

Amphibians: 20+ Marsh Frog singing in wildside ponds a.m.

Dragonflies: Plenty of Common Blue Damselflies on wing, plus Large Red Damselfly and Hairy Dragonfly.

Butterflies: Green Hairstreak, Orange Tip, Peacock, Small Tortoishell, Brimstone, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Large White, Small White, Green-veined White, Holly Blue.

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