Wildlife sightings for 11th April 2015

1 Shelduck - main lake

1 Mediterranean Gull - main lake

1 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape

2 Yellow wagtail - grazing marsh

3 Willow warbler - wildside, entrance area, South route

2 Black cap - wildside, sheltered lagoon

2 House Martin - main lake

4 Sand Martin - wader scrape

1 Merlin - (male) flew in from the north heading South

Additional sightings from yesterday:

1 American white Ibis - came back on site @ 16.30 hrs and was seen along the river @ 19.00 hrs

1 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape

2 Rook - flew over SE

2 Sedge warbler  - sheltered lagoon, grazing marsh

1 Linnet - flew over NW

1 Kestrel -


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