Wildlife sightings for 11th February 2024

Bitterns on main lake and reservoir lagoon. Plenty of birdsong from the sheltered lagoon scrublands. Jack Snipe on marsh. Bearded Tit reedbed.

2 Bittern - flew across main lake to the south-side of the reedbed a.m. Second bird spotted on reservoir lagoon late a.m.

2 Jack Snipe - marsh, NE corner

4 Fieldfare - entrance lake, sheltered lagoon

1 Chiffchaff - in full song by Peacock Tower

1 Bearded Tit - reedbed

10 Redwing - singing from the sheltered lagoon. Also birds in the entrance lake area

13 Siskin - south route

1 Kestrel - sheltered lagoon, south route

Other birds singing this morning included Dunnock (5), Blackbird (4), Song Thrush (9), Reed Bunting (6), Great Tit, Robin, Wren, Greenfinch

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