Wildlife sightings for 16th February 2015

2 Bittern - main lake, outside Headley hide

9 Mandarin - world wetlands

1 Redshank - scrape

5 Snipe - marsh

13 Common Gull - main lake, reservoir lagoon

30 Redwing - flew N

2 Stonechat - pair, marsh


Additional sightings from yesterday:

4 Bittern - main lake, reservoir lagoon


4 Common Lizard - basking on bridges in wildside


January/February bird highlights: Shelduck, Bittern, Little Egret, Goosander, Peregrine, Pheasant, Woodcock, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Yellow-legged Gull, Kingfisher, Stonechat.

Good numbers of wintering wildfowl are settling in for the winter ahead, many of which have migrated from as far east as Siberia to get here. The flooded grazing marsh in particular is attracting plenty of Teal that move back and forth from the river in line with the daily tides. Gadwall, grazing Wigeon and Shoveler also favour this habitat at this time of year, feeding on lots of seed leftover from the summer growth of Rushes, Bur-reeds, Loosestrifes, Fleabanes, Docks and grasses. Jack Snipe and Snipe will be probing the soft muddy edges for invertebrate food. The marsh also holds Stonechat, Meadow Pipit, Water Rail, Reed Bunting, Cetti’s Warbler and occasional Water Pipit and Bearded Tit.

The wintering Bitterns (up to 4 birds recorded on some days) are best found along the shores of the main lake, with occasional sightings on the reservoir lagoon reed-fringed shore.

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