Wildlife sightings for 20th December 2020

Caspian Gull on main lake, and roosting Russian White-fronted Geese spotted first thing

2 Russian White-fronted Geese - roosted on marsh last night, flying off towards river (SE direction) a.m.

1 Caspian Gull adult - main lake (photo © A.Self)

2 Shelduck - main lake

10 Snipe - marsh

71 Lapwing - main lake, marsh

1 Bittern - main lake SE corner

71 Wigeon -marsh, scrape

56 Shoveler - marsh, scrape, reservoir lagoon

3 Lesser Redpoll - sheltered lagoon

30 Redwing - west route

1 Siskin - over south route

**please note that all the bird hides remain closed on site**

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