Wildlife sightings for 20th January 2013

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon

1 Smew - sheltered lagoon

61 Wigeon - main lake

4 Snipe - marsh

15 Fieldfare - flew S

c30 Siskin - south route

10 Meadow Pipit - feeding on the marsh

2 Bearded Tit - grazing marsh


Additional sighting from yesterday:

2 Ruff - main lake


Recent bird highlights: Red-breasted Merganser, Smew, Bittern, Peregrine, Ruff, Woodcock, Jack Snipe, Waxwing, Skylark, Bearded Tit.

The two Bitterns are currently favouring the main lake and reservoir lagoon reed fringes.

Small Wigeon flocks can be found grazing through the marsh fields or along the wader scrape bank where the grass sward has been kept nice and short by the cattle grazing in the autumn.

Waxwing have so far put in some very welcome appearances during November and December as they did across the whole country. With colder conditions returning in January we should expect a few more sightings of these exciting birds. Colder weather should also see an increase in duck numbers, as well more chances to find the scarcer Scaup, Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser or Goosander.

This late autumn and winter there’s been more sightings of Bearded Tit than in any other year, suggesting that the same two birds have been in refuge all the time amongst the dense vegetation of the main reedbed and grazing marsh. Keep listening out for the distinctive ‘pinging’ calls.

Small numbers of Redpoll and Siskin can be found daily, feeding on the Birch and Alder trees. Look out for other Finch species mixed in with these flocks, as well as Goldcrest or possible Firecrest.

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