Wildlife sightings for 24th August 2021

Osprey over the site heading West.

1 Osprey - flew over the site heading West

1 Garganey - wader scrape, main lake

2 Whinchat - wader scrape (p.m.)

1 Greenshank - main lake (p.m.)

1 Little Ringed Plover - main lake (p.m.)

1 Common Sandpiper - main lake (p.m.)

1 Yellow Wagtail - wader scrape

3 Common Tern - main lake

8 Snipe - main lake, wader scrape

1 Little Egret - main lake

7 Chiffchaff - wildside, reservoir lagoon

1 Willow Warbler - wildside

Flowering plants: Bristly Ox-tongue, Broad-leaved Helleborine, Hawkweed Ox-tongue, Cat's ear, Meadow Vetchling, Tufted Vetch, Pyramidal Orchid, Dove's-foot Crane's-bill, Cut-leaved Crane's-bill, Common Vetch, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Yellow Rattle, Common Mallow, Ragwort, White Water-lily, Meadow Rue, Amphibious Bistort, Square-stalked St.John's Wort, Perforate St.John's Wort, Betony, Meadow-sweet, Self-heal, Marsh Woundwort, Yellow Loosestrife, Purple Loosestrife, Flowering Rush, Water-plantain, Fringed Water-lily, Yarrow, Black Medick, Hop Trefoil, Hare's-foot Clover, Water Mint, Hemp Agrimony, Figwort.

Butterflies: (mid-August survey) Red Admiral, Large White, Small White, Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Small Tortoishell, Common Blue, Holly Blue.

Dragonflies: (mid-August survey) Azure Damselfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Small red-eyed Damselfly, Ruddy Darter, Common Darter, Common Blue Damselfly, Black-tailed Skimmer, Banded Demoiselle, Willow Emerald Damselfly, Migrant Hawker.

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