Wildlife sightings for 24th November 2013

1 Pintail - male, scrape

1 Bittern - N shore main lake

8 Water Rail

1 Peregrine - perched on hospital

28 Starling - roosted in the reedbed

5 Cetti's Warbler

11 Redwing - south route, then flew W

1 Siskin - in with Goldfinch flock

Additional sighting from yesterday:

2 Bittern - N shore main lake


November bird highlights: Great Skua, Bittern, Red Kite, Peregrine, Jack Snipe, Dunlin, Redshank, Water Pipit, Rock Pipit, Bearded Tit, Brambling, Mealy Redpoll, Lapland Bunting.

2 Bitterns that arrived in early October have been spotted mostly in the middle reedbed channel and on the north shore of the main lake.

Bearded Tit has been seen several times in the reedbed near to the Headley Hide during the first week of November.

Redwings, Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Chaffinches and Song Thrushes are all on the move, visible from any part of the reserve where there’s a good view of the open sky. Look out for some high-flying flocks of Geese or perhaps even some Bewick’s Swan passing over, especially during or following some easterly winds.

Check out any mixed flocks of Tits and Warblers for a possible rarity this month – a Yellow-browed Warbler or a Firecrest is a definite possibility this month, especially with a good easterly wind blowing!


Water voles: the latest on-site population study has shown that all the water voles are in very good condition and the males are ranging quite some distance. The majority of captures were in the reedbed channels, despite there being signs of plenty of activity in the pools and meanders inside of Wildside (latrine sites, feeding sites and burrows).

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