Wildlife sightings for 25th January 2014

1 Bittern - main lake N shore (spotted from Dulverton hide)

2 Shelduck - wader scrape

2 Pintail - main lake

7 Snipe - marsh

1 Brambling - explore feeders area

18 Redwing - entrance area and along Q.E.W

1 Chiffchaff - South route

2 Peregrine - male and female bathing on the grazing marsh

January bird highlights: Bittern, Peregrine, Woodcock, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Brambling, Rock Pipit, Bearded Tit.

2 Bitterns have been spotted this month, mostly on the north and south shores of the main lake, with movements into the main reedbed at dusk for roosting.

Redwing and Fieldfare have been roosting every evening around the sheltered lagoon and wildside. Most of the berries on the Hawthorn, Dog Rose, Holly, Rowan and Guelder Rose have been stripped now.

4 Jack Snipe were recorded early in the month, taking advantage of the flooded grazing marsh along with 14 Common Snipe. Teal numbers remained high, their favoured feeding grounds being the exposed mud on the wader scrape and the grazing marsh, particularly during high tide when large numbers leave the river to visit the reserve instead. Shovelers increased to over 100 birds, again making use of the flooded grazing marsh for loafing, feeding and roosting.

A Bearded Tit has re-appeared in or around the main reedbeds, its distinctive pinging call having been heard a few times.

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