Wildlife sightings for 31st May 2021

Little Ringed Plover on the reservoir lagoon.

1 Little Ringed Plover - reservoir lagoon

1 Common Whitethroat - wildside

2 Oystercatcher - wader scrape

3 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh

30+ Swift - over main lake

2 Shoveler - main lake

Additional sighting from yesterday:

1 Hobby - hunting over the wader scrape

Reptiles: (22nd May survey) 5 Grass Snake, 95 Slow Worm, 1 Common Lizard (juvenile).

Flowering plants: (end May) Cowslip, Cow Parsley, Primrose, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Marsh Marigold, Lesser Celandine, Bugle, Forget-me-not, Cuckoo-flower, Wood Anemone, Dove's-foot Crane's-bill, Ragged Robin, Dandelion, Daisy, Bluebell, Cut-leaved Crane's-bill, Red Campion, White Campion, Green Alkanet, Common Vetch, Herb Robert, Ox-eye Daisy, Creeping Buttercup, Ramsons, Jack-by-the-hedge, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Yellow Rattle, Herb Bennett, Common Mallow, Ragwort, Yellow Iris, Milk Thistle, Cut-leaved Crane's-bill, Round-leaved Crane's-bill.

Butterflies: (26th May survey) Brimstone, Large White, Small White, Common Blue, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, Red Admiral, Peacock.

Dragonflies: (26th May survey) Azure Damselfly, Hairy Dragonfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly.

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