Wildlife sightings for 5th April 2018
6 Snipe - scrape
2 Jack Snipe - scrape
11 Sand Martin - scrape
1 Water Rail - reedbed
1 Red Kite - over NW a.m.
1 Sedge Warbler - middle reedbed channel
12 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon, wildside
9 Blackcap - sheltered lagoon, scrape bank, wildside
March bird highlights: Common Scoter, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Curlew, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Bittern, Caspian Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Peregrine, Red Kite, Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Stonechat, Water Pipit, Brambling.
Winter bird report: The flooded marsh over the winter attracted Caspian Gull, Iceland Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Water Pipit, Stonechat (4-6), Dunlin, Wigeon (120+), Shoveler (80+), Teal and Gadwall. The marsh was lowered a little at the start of March to expose some muddy areas for waders and dabbling ducks. Snipe responded quickly and could be seen feeding across the field (>20 birds on some days). Other exciting early spring visitors included Spoonbill, Dunlin, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank.
A nationally important count of 5 Jack Snipe was recorded regularly on the wader scrape, coming out to feed on the mats of cut Purple Loosestrife most days. By mid-March Lapwings were displaying across the scrape and marsh, setting up territories and starting to scrape out nest sites.
After the first wintering Bittern was found mid-October, numbers peaked at 4 birds December/January. Birds were feeding all along the main lake reed and sedge-fringed shores.
Other winter birds (November-Feb) included Firecrest, Short-eared Owl, Hawfinch, Great White Egret, Bearded Tit, Ring Ouzel and Green Sandpiper.
Flowering plants: Winter Aconite, Snowdrop, Dandelion, Marsh Marigold, Blackthorn, Red Dead-nettle, Wild Daffodil.
Butterflies: Red Admiral (early Feb), Small Tortoishell and Peacock (March 23rd), Brimstone, Comma and Small White (April 5th).
Other insects: Bee-fly (March 25th), European Orchard Bee (Seen mating April 5th. First record for UK), Early Mining Bee, Clark's Mining Bee.
Reptiles: 4 Common Lizards by WWF hide (Feb 17th), 5 Slow worms (early March).