Wildlife sightings for 7th March 2017

1 Jack Snipe - main lake

2 Bittern - main lake N shore, resr lagoon N shore

2 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon

1 Redshank - grazing marsh

1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon

1 Stonechat - wildside

1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh

1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge

February bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Brent Goose, Shelduck, Jack Snipe, Redshank, Mediterranean Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Caspian Gull, Buzzard, Peregrine, Water Pipit, Stonechat, Siskin, Kingfisher, Water Rail, Bearded Tit.

Winter birds round-up: A regular Caspian Gull has been seen on the reserve or on the river since early January, along with several different Yellow-legged Gulls. The flooded marsh has attracted many of these Gulls as well as Snipe (10-12), Green Sandpiper (4 records since November), Water Pipit (1-2 present since October), Stonechats and Jack Snipe (a nationally important count of 5 birds). Across the whole site Shoveler numbers peaked February at 223 (>1% of the national GB population). Grazing Wigeon numbers have also remained good all winter (70-140 birds). After the first wintering Bittern was found 11th November, numbers peaked at 6 birds during January (nearly equalling the record of 7 a few years ago during similar icy conditions). Some really close-up views have been possible from the Headley Discovery Hide and the birds have been feeding all along the main lake and reservoir lagoon reed-fringed shores. 2 Bearded Tits have been spotted or heard irregularly on the main lake northern shore, not that far from the Headley Hide. Firecrest recorded January and February in the wildside and sheltered lagoon.

Butterlies and other insects: Red Admiral (world wetlands) on the 24th Feb; lots of Bumblebees on the wing early March.

Reptiles: Grass Snake juvenile seen in wildside 5th March; 2 Common Lizards seen along south route 7th March.

Water Voles: two heard munching in the sedge beds in wildside (Jan-Feb) not far from the wildside gates. Also seen regularly in the Reed Swamp area in World Wetlands collection. New holes along some of the steeper channels in wildside.

Flowering plants: Primrose, Blackthorn, Hazel, Silver Birch, Red Dead-nettle.

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