Wildlife sightings for w/c 10th August 2020

A good selection of passage waders starting to come through as well as a noticeable increase in migrant passerines.

3 Green Sandpiper - wader scrape (11th-15th)

1 Ruff - main lake (12th-15th)

3 Black-tailed Godwit - wader scrape (15th,16th)

1 Whimbrel - main lake then flew off low East (14th)

4 Common Sandpiper - main lake (12th)

1 Greenshank - main lake (11th)

1 Redshank - main lake (12th)

1 Mediterranean Gull - flew over main lake (12th)

1 Kestrel - South route (15th)

2 Peregrine - perched on the hospital (14th)

1 Willow Warbler - South route (11th)

7 Yellow Wagtail - over (16th)

5+ Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lagoon, Wildside

2+ Common Tern - main lake

10+ Teal - main lake, reservoir lagoon, wader scrape

10+ Shoveler - main lake, reservoir lagoon

Whitethroat by Ian Henderson.jpg

Dragonflies: (August) Common Blue Damselfly, Small red-eyed Damselfly, Azure Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Black-tailed Skimmer, Brown Hawker, Willow Emerald Damselfly, Common Darter.

Butterflies: (August) Common Blue, Comma, Peacock, Red Admiral, Small White, Small Skipper, Large Skipper, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Jersey Tiger Moth (see photo below)

Jersey Tiger moth Adam Salmon July 2020.jpg

Wildflowers and grasshoppers: Tufted Vetch, Common Fleabane, Agrimony, Lady's Bedstraw, Meadow Vetchling, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Yarrow, Purple Loosestrife, Marsh Woundwort, Flowering Rush, The grasslands and scrublands attract Roesel's Bush-cricket, Cone-heads, Meadow Grasshopper, Common Field Grasshopper and Dark Bush Cricket.

Reptiles and amphibians: Slow worm (juveniles) spotted by Pond Zone; 5 Marsh Frogs in the 'Tundra' channel in World Wetlands; lots of Marsh Frogs calling from wildside ponds on sunny days.

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