Wildlife sightings for w/c 22nd February 2021

Redwings singing across the reserve, and a high count of Shoveler on the marsh and reservoir lagoon

1 Mediterranean Gull (2cy) - main lake (25th)

4 Stonechat - grazing marsh (25th)

81 Lapwing - main lake, marsh

1 Oystercatcher - main lake (still 25th)

2 Lesser Redpoll - world wetlands, wildside

1 Water Pipit - marsh

1 Chiffchaff - south route

1 Bullfinch - wildside

50 Redwing - wildside, entrance area, south route

1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon (24th)

70 Wigeon - scrape bank

96 Shoveler - reservoir lagoon, marsh

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon

3 Shelduck - main lake (25th)

4 Pintail - main lake, marsh

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