Wildlife sightings for 28th-31st December 2020

White Fronted Geese back on the reserve this week. Along with Kingfisher Jack Snipe and good Redwing numbers.

2 Bittern - main lake

2 White-Fronted Goose - grazing marsh

2 Shelduck - main lake

3 Pintail - main lake, reservoir lagoon

1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon

72 Lapwing - main lake, grazing marsh

3 Water Rail - entrance lake, South route

1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh

8 Snipe - grazing marsh

2 Water Pipit - grazing marsh

1 Kingfisher - West route

1 Stonechat - wader scrape

7 Fieldfare - entrance area

45 Redwing - entrance area, sheltered lagoon

1 Grey Wagtail - Otter exhibit

5 Siskin - sheltered lagoon

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