Wildlife sightings for w/c 7th September 2020

Autumn migrants spotted including Siskin and Meadow Pipit. Winter duck numbers on the increase

30 House Martin

14 Swallow

11 Sand Martin

26 Meadow Pipit - over SW/S/W

2 Yellow Wagtail - over sheltered lagoon heading SE+S

22 Siskin - sheltered lagoon/south route including flyovers

7 Willow Warbler - sheltered lagoon, entrance area

10 Chiffchaff - south route, sheltered lagoon, entrance area

2 Kestrel - sheltered lagoon

2 Common Sandpiper - main lake

3 Snipe - main lake, scrape

60 Gadwall

50+ Teal

48 Shoveler

12 Wigeon

chiffchaff WWT.jpg

Dragonflies: (early September) Common Blue Damselfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Willow Emerald Damselfly, Common Darter, Ruddy Darter, Southern Hawker, Migrant Hawker (photo below)

Migrant Hawker male teneral ShelteredLagoon RichBullock 024 (2) 12Jul18.jpg

Wildflowers and grasshoppers: (September) Tufted Vetch, Common Fleabane, Lady's Bedstraw, Meadow Vetchling, Bird's-foot Trefoil, Yarrow, Purple Loosestrife, Marsh Woundwort, Flowering Rush, Field Scabious, Devil's-bit Scabious. The grasslands and scrublands attract Roesel's Bush-cricket, Cone-heads, Meadow Grasshopper, Common Field Grasshopper and Dark Bush Cricket.

Reptiles: (5th September survey) Slow worms (13 juveniles, 31 female, 6 male); 12 Grass snakes; 2 Common Lizard.

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