Wildlife sightings for w/c 8th February 2021

Woodcock, Redpolls, Water Pipits, Oystercatcher and Yellowhammer on the reserve

1 Yellowhammer - flew in to the South Route from SE direction (a.m. 8th)

1 Water Pipit - marsh

1 Kestrel - south route, sheltered lagoon

8 Lesser Redpoll - sheltered lagoon/south route

20 Redwing - south route

3 Siskin - over N

6 Pintail - main lake (8th)

202 Tufted Duck - reservoir lagoon, sheltered lagoon (11th)

1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon (14th)

93 Shoveler - reservoir lagoon (14th)

2 Shelduck - main lake

1 Bittern - reservoir lagoon

7 Great Crested Grebe - site count (13th)

1 Woodcock - reedbed (14th)

92 Lapwing - main lake (9th)

1 Oystercatcher - main lake (9th+10th)

Yellowhammer (c) Alec Taylor WWT.jpg

Oystercatcher by Nigel Snell WWT.jpg

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