Latest sightings

Little Ringed Plover & Common Sandpiper out on the main lake

Little Ringed Plover & Common Sandpiper out on the main lake

House Martins and Swifts are keeping the blue skies busy with feeding activity

20 August 2019

Swallows and Martins feeding on migration

Swallows and Martins feeding on migration

Plenty of hirundines stopping to feed over the main lake this morning

19 August 2019

Kingfisher feeding in the rain

Kingfisher feeding in the rain

Kingfisher in Wildside feeding in the pools.

18 August 2019

Whimbrel on the main lake

Whimbrel on the main lake

Main lake proved popular this morning with a Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover also showing well.

17 August 2019

Ringed Plover and increasing number of Shoveler on the main lake

Ringed Plover and increasing number of Shoveler on the main lake

1 Ringed Plover seen from WWF hide and 28 Shoveler on the main lake this morning.

16 August 2019

Ringed Plover feeding on the main lake

Ringed Plover feeding on the main lake

Common Sandpiper wading around the Shoveler

15 August 2019

Great White Egret on the main lake

Great White Egret on the main lake

Great White Egret on the main lake until around 08:30.

14 August 2019

Waders and Warblers

Waders and Warblers

Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover and 3 Garganey still as well as 2 Whitethroat and good numbers of Chiffchaff on site.

13 August 2019

3 Garganey still on the wader scrape

3 Garganey still on the wader scrape

All 3 Garganey still showing well on the wader scrape this morning.

12 August 2019

Influx of Common Sandpiper

Influx of Common Sandpiper

7 Common Sandpiper and 3 Garganey on the wader scrape this morning.

11 August 2019

Teal and Shoveler busy feeding in the blustery conditions

Teal and Shoveler busy feeding in the blustery conditions

Teal and Shoveler numbers continue to build across the reserve while Swifts feed overhead.

10 August 2019

2 Garganey feeding on the wader scrape

2 Garganey feeding on the wader scrape

2 Garganey are still present on the reserve.

9 August 2019

Black-tailed Godwits drop in to feed on migration

Black-tailed Godwits drop in to feed on migration

A good morning for migrant waders with Green and Common Sandpipers, Black-tailed Godwits and Snipe

8 August 2019

Little Egret on the marsh and 3 Garganey still on the main lake

Little Egret on the marsh and 3 Garganey still on the main lake

3 Garganey remain on the main lake with the last few swifts of summer circling overhead.

7 August 2019

3 Garganey still on the reserve

3 Garganey still on the reserve

Swifts and Sand Martins are busy feeding over the main lake

6 August 2019