Latest sightings

Garganey, Teal and Shoveler feeding together on the main lake

Garganey, Teal and Shoveler feeding together on the main lake

All 3 Garganey now moved to the main lake, with Teal and Shoveler numbers slowly increasing as post breeding birds return.

5 August 2019

3 Garganey on the wader scrape

3 Garganey on the wader scrape

3 Garganey showing very well on the wader scrape from the Peacock Tower.

4 August 2019

Garganey and Garden Warbler on the reserve

Garganey and Garden Warbler on the reserve

Mediterranean Gull calling over the reserve this morning

3 August 2019

Black-tailed Godwit among the Lapwing on the wader scrape

Black-tailed Godwit among the Lapwing on the wader scrape

A Black-tailed Godwit is still busy feeding among the post-breeding flock of Lapwing on the wader scrape with Snipe and Teal also nearby.

2 August 2019

Black-tailed Godwit feeding on the wader scrape

Black-tailed Godwit feeding on the wader scrape

Wader scrape remains good for Snipe and other passage waders. The post-breeding flock of Lapwing are feeding on there too

1 August 2019

Little Ringed Plover wader scrape

Little Ringed Plover wader scrape

Swifts and House Martins feeding over the lakes on their way south

31 July 2019

Common Sandpipers wading in the rain

Common Sandpipers wading in the rain

Good views of Snipe out on the scrape this morning

30 July 2019

Lesser Whitethroat sheltered lagoon

Lesser Whitethroat sheltered lagoon

Migrant Warblers feeding in shrubs on the sheltered lagoon, with some waders on the nearby wader scrape

29 July 2019

Passage waders moving through

Passage waders moving through

A good selection of waders on the reserve this morning including Dunlin, Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper.

28 July 2019

Common & Green Sandpipers feeding on the reserve

Common & Green Sandpipers feeding on the reserve

A wet Wheatear and 4 Snipe also on the reserve today.

27 July 2019

Migrant warblers on the move

Migrant warblers on the move

Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps moving through the sheltered lagoon this morning, feeding among the willow scrub. Plenty of Dragonflies on the wing, including the scarce Lesser Emperor spotted over the last two days on the main lake.

26 July 2019

Passage of Common Terns and Swallows

Passage of Common Terns and Swallows

Common Terns and Swallows moving south over the reserve a.m.

25 July 2019

Redshank on the wader scrape a.m.

Redshank on the wader scrape a.m.

As well as Redshank there are good numbers of Tufted Duck juveniles on the scrape

22 July 2019

Green Sandpiper on the wader scrape

Green Sandpiper on the wader scrape

Wader scrape is good this morning for Green Sandpiper, Snipe and duck broods.

21 July 2019

Adult and juvenile Peregrine over the reserve

Adult and juvenile Peregrine over the reserve

An adult and begging juvenile Peregrine flew over the reserve this morning heading towards Charing Cross Hospital.

20 July 2019