Latest sightings

Common Sandpiper feeding out on the wader scrape

Common Sandpiper feeding out on the wader scrape

Tufted Duck broods can be seen diving and ducking on most of our water bodies

19 July 2019

Juvenile Little Grebe on the wader scrape

Juvenile Little Grebe on the wader scrape

One juvenile Little Grebe spotted on the wader scrape this morning.

18 July 2019

Teal numbers building up

Teal numbers building up

Teal numbers building up and 6th fledged Lapwing of the year.

17 July 2019

Mediterranean Gull on the main lake

Mediterranean Gull on the main lake

Mediterranean Gull with the Black-headed Gull on the main lake, seen from the WWF hide a.m.

15 July 2019

Garganey and 2 Green Sandpiper

Garganey and 2 Green Sandpiper

Eclipse Garganey on the main lake alongside two mobile and very vocal Green Sandpiper.

14 July 2019

Kingfisher zipping along our main lake

Kingfisher zipping along our main lake

A splash of colour in the form of a Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail on this sunny morning

13 July 2019

Little Egret still on the reserve

Little Egret still on the reserve

Little Egret still present this morning on the West side of the grazing marsh.

12 July 2019

Little Egret on the wader scrape

Little Egret on the wader scrape

As well as a Little Egret on the wader scrape this morning, there are Common Tern showing excellently whilst fishing low over the reservoir lagoon.

11 July 2019

Close views of Snipe on the wader scrape

Close views of Snipe on the wader scrape

Snipe showing close into the Peacock Tower on the wader scrape.

10 July 2019

Snipe & Redshank on the reserve

Snipe & Redshank on the reserve

Tufted duck broods have been seen on the wader scrape today

9 July 2019

Lapwing chicks on the wader scrape

Lapwing chicks on the wader scrape

At least 2 young Lapwing chicks on the wader scrape this morning in the company of fledged and adult birds.

8 July 2019

Greenshank and Redshank in front of WWF Hide

Greenshank and Redshank in front of WWF Hide

2 Greenshank and 2 Redshank showing well on the main lake from WWF Hide.

7 July 2019

Peregrine and Kestrel on the hunt

Peregrine and Kestrel on the hunt

Falcons on the wing while duckling broods take to the water

6 July 2019

Lapwing chicks on the marsh

Lapwing chicks on the marsh

New Lapwing chicks are visible from the wildside hide this morning. Elsewhere on the marsh there are fledged Lapwing and feeding Green Sandpiper

5 July 2019

Duckling broods on the wader scrape

Duckling broods on the wader scrape

Gadwall, Pochard and Tufted Duck all with broods on the wader scrape.

3 July 2019