Latest sightings

Green Sandpiper feeding on the marsh

Green Sandpiper feeding on the marsh

Green Sandpiper calling and Willow Warblers singing

5 April 2019

Warblers and Wagtails

Warblers and Wagtails

Yellow Wagtail flying through in the rain showers, warblers arriving in force and singing.

4 April 2019

Blackcaps in good song

Blackcaps in good song

Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs singing well. Dunlin on the main lake p.m.

3 April 2019

Sallows and Sand Martins on the main lake

Sallows and Sand Martins on the main lake

Our main lake is looking busy with Sand Martin & Swallow activity

2 April 2019

First Sedge Warbler of the year on site

First Sedge Warbler of the year on site

Singing Blackcap and Chiffchaff round the sheltered lagoon, Sand Martins now going into the nesting bank in good numbers.

1 April 2019

Migrant Sparrowhawks and Rook over south

Migrant Sparrowhawks and Rook over south

3 Sparrowhawks flew over high south on migration. Willow Warbler, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs all calling or singing. Iceland Gull back on the main lake.

31 March 2019

Kingfisher on the sheltered lagoon

Kingfisher on the sheltered lagoon

Kingfisher Jack Snipe & Shelduck all on the reserve

30 March 2019

Redshanks & Jack Snipe on the scrape

Redshanks & Jack Snipe on the scrape

The wader scrape is busy with Jack Snipe Redshanks & Sand Martins

29 March 2019

Pair of Garganey on the main lake

Pair of Garganey on the main lake

Pair of Garganey showing very well from Dulverton Hide on the main lake.

28 March 2019

Oystercatcher and Curlew drop in to the marsh

Oystercatcher and Curlew drop in to the marsh

Oystercatcher, Curlew, Redshank, Snipe and Lapwing out on the muddy marsh this morning. Mediterranean Gulls dropped on to the main lake.

27 March 2019

Water Pipit entering into summer plumage

Water Pipit entering into summer plumage

2 Water Pipit entering into summer plumage on the grazing marsh, 4 Sand Martin feeding over the wader scrape.

26 March 2019

Male Wheatear on the marsh bank

Male Wheatear on the marsh bank

A bright male Wheatear on the bund between the marsh and the reedbed

25 March 2019

Little Egret feeding on the grazing marsh

Little Egret feeding on the grazing marsh

Little Egret feeding on the grazing marsh in the company of 2 Redshank, Jack Snipe and displaying Lapwing.

24 March 2019

Lots of waders around and a returning Iceland Gull

Lots of waders around and a returning Iceland Gull

Plenty of Snipe counted first thing today, mostly on the marsh along with Redshanks, Lapwings, Little Ringed Plovers, Black-tailed Godwit and Water Pipits. Iceland Gull on the main lake pm

23 March 2019

Sand Martins feeding

Sand Martins feeding

Sand Martins, Blackcap and Chiffhcaffs all around this spring morning. Little Ringed Plover spotted in the afternoon.

22 March 2019