Latest sightings

Black-tailed Godwits on the grazing marsh

Black-tailed Godwits on the grazing marsh

2 Black-tailed Godwit on the grazing marsh feeding alongside Redshank first thing this morning.

21 March 2019

Redshanks on the marsh and scrape

Redshanks on the marsh and scrape

Redshanks calling from the marsh and wader scrape this morning, Snipe feeding on the muddy marsh, Sand Martins overhead and our first Wheatear and Blackcap of the spring

20 March 2019

Redshank and 10+ Snipe on the grazing marsh

Redshank and 10+ Snipe on the grazing marsh

Water level management has already had its desired influence, Redshank and 10+ Snipe enjoying the fresh invertebrate rich mud that has been revealed on the grazing marsh.

19 March 2019

Jack Snipe still on the wader scrape

Jack Snipe still on the wader scrape

Jack Snipe still on the wader scrape in the company of up to 7 Common Snipe.

18 March 2019

First Swallow of the year!

First Swallow of the year!

Numbers of Sand Martin increasing and Chiffchaff singing around the site.

17 March 2019

Goldeneye back on the sheltered lagoon

Goldeneye back on the sheltered lagoon

Goldeneye Pintail and Shelduck all on show in the strong winds

16 March 2019

Large counts of Gulls on site during strong winds

Large counts of Gulls on site during strong winds

800+ Black-headed Gull count, as well as 200+ Herring Gull including N.European race birds

15 March 2019

Iceland Gull on the grazing marsh

Iceland Gull on the grazing marsh

A new 2nd calendar year Iceland Gull on the grazing marsh this morning.

14 March 2019

Bittern sheltering from the gales

Bittern sheltering from the gales

Bittern in the far west corner of the reservoir lagoon

13 March 2019

Shelduck & Goldeneye are about today

Shelduck & Goldeneye are about today

we also have a pair of Pintail and a Bittern on our main lake

12 March 2019

Bittern, Jack Snipe and Water Pipit showing well

Bittern, Jack Snipe and Water Pipit showing well

Winter species like Jack Snipe, Bittern and Water Pipit still on the reserve this morning ahead of their return migrations to summer breeding areas.

11 March 2019

Jack and Common Snipe side by side on the wader scrape

Jack and Common Snipe side by side on the wader scrape

3 Jack Snipe and 8 Common Snipe hunkered into the vegetation in the wind.

10 March 2019

Goldeneye Shelduck & Pintail all in good view on the reserve

Goldeneye Shelduck & Pintail all in good view on the reserve

A good mix of duck on site today

9 March 2019

Water Rail & Chiffchaff heard today

Water Rail & Chiffchaff heard today

The sounds of winter and spring mingle on the reserve today. With Chiffchaff and Water Rail being heard.

8 March 2019

Cetti's Warblers in song across the reserve

Cetti's Warblers in song across the reserve

Plenty of Cetti's Warbler singing from all corners of the reserve this morning, along with Song Thrush, Chiffchaff and Reed Buntings

7 March 2019