Latest sightings

Yellow-legged Gull on the marsh

Yellow-legged Gull on the marsh

Yellow-legged Gull 3rd c yr on the flooded grazing marsh, along with the first Redshank of the spring

6 March 2019

Greater Spotted Woodpecker drumming

Greater Spotted Woodpecker drumming

Signs of spring with Woodpeckers drumming, Chiffchaffs singing and a Sand Martin over the main lake

5 March 2019

Snipe feeding on marsh and wader scrape

Snipe feeding on marsh and wader scrape

Snipe feeding in the dense, muddy parts of wet grassland. Sand Martins flying around.

4 March 2019

Mixed flock of Thrushes around the entrance

Mixed flock of Thrushes around the entrance

Redwing and Fieldfare can be seen from our entrance bridge and 2 Bitterns are showing well on our water bodies.

1 March 2019

Jack Snipe on the scrape

Jack Snipe on the scrape

Jack Snipe in the centre of the scrape, along with small flocks of Common Snipe

28 February 2019

Winter birding in Spring conditions

Winter birding in Spring conditions

Sunny conditions continue, as do the winter birds, with a few signs of Spring appearing on the reserve.

27 February 2019

Water & Meadow Pipits on the marsh and scrape

Water & Meadow Pipits on the marsh and scrape

Jack Snipe Common Snipe and Bittern all in good view this morning

26 February 2019

Iceland Gull and 2 Jack Snipe in the sun

Iceland Gull and 2 Jack Snipe in the sun

Iceland Gull, 2 Jack Snipe, 11 Snipe, 2 Shelduck and winter thrushes today.

24 February 2019

Jack Snipe on show with the commons

Jack Snipe on show with the commons

Jack & Common Snipe showing well on the scrape islands. Black-Tailed Godwit & Red Kite also spotted.

23 February 2019

Redpoll Chiffcahff & Goldeneye all seen in the february sun

Redpoll Chiffcahff & Goldeneye all seen in the february sun

Chiffchaff singing Snipe feeding & Bittern soaking up the warm sunny rays

22 February 2019

Winter Thrushes feeding up for return migration

Winter Thrushes feeding up for return migration

Good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing feeding on the entrance area sheep field. Goldeneye and 2 Bittern still present on the reservoir lagoon.

21 February 2019

Still high numbers of Common Snipe on the flooded waterbodies

Still high numbers of Common Snipe on the flooded waterbodies

22 Snipe counted this morning, as well as Jack Snipe, Bitterns and Water Pipits

20 February 2019

Water Rails calling from the reedbed

Water Rails calling from the reedbed

2 Water Rails calling on this sunny morning. Plenty of Snipe still showing well.

19 February 2019

Bittern showing well

Bittern showing well

2 Bittern showing well this morning with 3 birds showing well yesterday afternoon.

18 February 2019

Great count of Snipe on the marsh and scrape

Great count of Snipe on the marsh and scrape

Today's Wetland Bird Survey (Webs) found 20 Snipe along with Jack Snipe and a pair of Stonechat

17 February 2019