Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 6th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 6th May 2016

2 Dunlin - wader scrape 1 Common Sandpiper - 1 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 7 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 2 Shelduck - wader scrape 3 Common Tern - main lake 2 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh 2 Whitethroat - South route, wader scrape ba

6 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 5th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 5th May 2016

3 Yellow Wagtail - 2 flew NW, 1 on the marsh 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon, scrape 2 Whitethroat - south route/overflow car park, sheltered lagoon 1 Lesser Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon 6 Redshank - marsh, scrape 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Litt

5 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 4th May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 4th May 2016

1 Black Redstart - (male) hedgerow between sheltered lagoon and main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - marsh 1 Kingfisher - south route 2 Wheatear - marsh 1 Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon 1 Lesser Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon 2 Whinchat - marsh April bird

4 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 3rd May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 3rd May 2016

2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Kingfisher - main lake 2 Wheatear - grazing marsh close to Wildside hide 30 Swift - main lake 2 Swallow - main lake 15 House Martin - main lake 2 Willow warbler - South route, sheltered lagoon April bird highlights: Shelduck

3 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2016

1 Little Ringed Plover - main lake 6 Redshank - scrape 1 Kingfisher - entrance lake, then flew down south route 2 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon 3 Wheatear - a pair in the SW corner of marsh, and a male seen on a roof by the courtyard 1 Lesser Whitethroat

2 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 1st May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 1st May 2016

2 Shelduck - scrape 1 Little Egret - marsh 4+ Common Sandpiper - seen in several locations, though not at the same time - main lake, scrape, reservoir lagoon, marsh (3) 2 Little Ringed Plover - marsh and main lake 3 Common Tern - main lake 1 Iceland Gull

1 May 2016

Wildlife sightings for 30th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 30th April 2016

3 Arctic Tern - flew W (feeding briefly on main lake) 2 Common Tern - main lake islands 1 Pheasant - sheltered lagoon 1 Yellow Wagtail - flew N 3 Swift 4 Garden Warbler - wildside + south route 1 Kingfisher - entrance lake, south route, sheltered lagoon

30 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2016

1 Sanderling - main lake p.m. 2 Common Sandpiper - main lake, scrape 1 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 8 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 5 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 1 Pheasant - south route 3 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh 3 Wheatear

29 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2016

1 Whimbrel - marsh 1 Little Ringed Plover - marsh 8 Redshank - marsh and scrape 1 Pheasant (male) - world wetlands 'Tundra' exhibit 1 Barnacle Goose - paired with a Greylag Goose on the marsh 4 Yellow Wagtail - marsh 1 Redstart (female) - wader scrape hi

28 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2016

3 Common Tern - 2 flew W, 1 on main lake near observatory 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - marsh 8 Redshank - marsh and scrape 1 Brambling (male) - south route bird feeders 6 Yellow Wagtail - marsh 3 Swallow - marsh 1 Whitethroat -

27 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2016

1 Caspian Gull 2nd yr - main lake 1 Whimbrel - grazing marsh 1 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 1 Common Sandpiper - main lake 2 Yellow Wagtail - around cattle in NE corner field 2 Willow Warbler - both singing South route, sheltered lagoon 2 Sedge Wa

26 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th April 2016

3 Yellow Wagtail - marsh (feeding around the cattle) 6 Swallow - feeding over reedbed 3 Sedge Warbler - main lake, reedbed 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Buzzard - flew NW 1 Wheatear - sheltered lagoon island 2 Common Tern - over main lake 3 Swift

25 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th April 2016

8 Redshank - marsh, scrape, reservoir lagoon 15 Snipe - marsh 2 Jack Snipe - marsh 1 Little Ringed Plover - marsh 1 Wheatear - marsh 1 Lesser Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon 1 Whinchat - marsh   Additional sightings from yesterday: 1 Little Egret - m

24 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 23rd April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 23rd April 2016

5 Mediterranean Gull - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Whinchat - grazing marsh 10 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh 4 Reed Warbler - Sheltered lagoon, main lake, reedbed 2 Sedge Warbler - sheltered lagoon,

23 April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2016

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2016

2 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 3 Snipe - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 10 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh (close to the cattle) 2 Whinchat - grazing marsh 2 Garden Warbler - wildside 4 Reed Warbler - 3 Sedge Warbler - 2

22 April 2016