Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 5th November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 5th November 2015

41 Wigeon - marsh 9 Common Gull - main lake 48 Lapwing - main lake   October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egret, Short-eared Owl, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank, Kingfisher, White Wagtail, Wheatear, Spotted Flyc

5 November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 4th November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 4th November 2015

1 Skylark 4 Redwing - flew SW 1 Stonechat juv - marsh 12 Siskin - south route 4 Meadow Pipit - flew N 1 Jack Snipe - marsh 8 Snipe - flew NE 3 Water Rail 1 Kingfisher 27 Greylag Geese - much higher count than usual, possibly wild birds on the move rathe

4 November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 3rd November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 3rd November 2015

2 Short-eared Owl - flew SE over the reserve 1245hrs 9 Siskin - sheltered lagoon 1 Meadow Pipit - feeding on the marsh   October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egret, Short-eared Owl, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Black-tailed Godwit, Redsh

4 November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 2nd November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 2nd November 2015

1 Bittern - main lake. Flew from the SE corner towards the W shore 7 Mallard ducklings - world wetlands 2 Skylark - flew E+NE 9 Siskin - south route, entrance lake, sheltered lagoon 30+ Meadow Pipit - flew over in dense fog, possibly some landing on the

2 November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 1st November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 1st November 2015

1 Bittern - main lake 1 Marsh Harrier - grazing marsh 20 Siskin - wildside   late sighting for 31st - Bittern on the main lake near Dulverton Hide   October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egret, Short-eared Owl, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Jack Sn

1 November 2015

Wildlife sightings for 30th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 30th October 2015

1 Pintail - wader scrape 74 Wigeon - grazing marsh, main lake 18 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge 6 Redpoll - flying around the entrance area October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egre

30 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2015

1 Jack Snipe - marsh 15 Snipe - marsh 2 Peregrine - displaying and hunting around the Charing Cross Hospital and river 4 Linnet - wader scrape hedgerow and the grassland bank 4 Redpoll - south route 1 Skylark - over 1 Stonechat - marsh/main lake bank 2 S

29 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 28th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 28th October 2015

2 Jack Snipe - marsh 1 Little Egret 68 Wigeon - marsh and scrape 1 Pintail - scrape 4 Mandarin - world wetlands 13 Snipe - marsh and main lake 1 Stonechat - perched on marsh fox fence   Additional sighting from yesterday: 1 Jack Snipe - scrape  

28 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 27th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 27th October 2015

1 Brambling - sheltered lagoon Rose Hip hedge, near the Peacock Tower 5 Skylark - flew N 7 Siskin - sheltered lagoon 4 Redpoll - south route and entrance lake area 150 Teal - scrape and grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - flew E   October bird highlights: Bi

27 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 26th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 26th October 2015

177 Teal - scrape and grazing marsh 75 Wigeon - scrape and grazing marsh 1 Pintail - scrape 1 Water Rail - calling from edge of main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital 1 Stonechat - perched on marsh fox fence   Also: 1 Marsh Frog calling from gra

26 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2015

202 Teal - scrape 1 Pintail - scrape 10 Snipe - marsh, scrape 40 Goldfinch - entrance area 1 Stonechat - female, perched on marsh fox fence   Additional sighting from yesterday: 1 Jack Snipe - marsh   October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egr

25 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2015

61 Wigeon - wader scrape, grazing marsh 8 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Stonechat - wader scrape 2 Redpoll - South Route 5 Siskin - South route 2 Peregrine - eating prey while Perched on hospital ledge October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egr

24 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2015

1 Kingfisher - main lake South shore 2 Water Rail - calling from the reedbed 5 Mandarin - wildside 137 Teal - wader scrape, grazing marsh 9 Siskin - sheltered lagoon 3 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon 2 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge October bird high

23 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2015

21 Redwing - flew SW+W 33 Meadow Pipit - flew N+W 100+ Teal - scrape, marsh 11 Siskin - sheltered lagoon 4 Redpoll - sheltered lagoon 1 Peregrine - hunting Pigeons over the main lake   October bird highlights: Bittern, Little Egret, Short-eared Owl,

22 October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2015

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2015

2 Redshank - marsh 1 Black-tailed Godwit - marsh 85 Wigeon - marsh, main lake 4 Mandarin - sheltered lagoon 139 Teal - scrape, marsh 11 Snipe - marsh, scrape Siskin flock - sheltered lagoon 1 Redpoll - sheltered lagoon 1 Skylark - flew NW   October b

21 October 2015