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Wildlife sightings for 22nd June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 22nd June 2015

2 Little Egret - main lake 3 Shoveler - marsh, main lake 2 Teal - main lake, marsh 1 Redshank - scrape 1 Skylark - flew E 2 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon   June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Oystercatcher, Little

22 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 21st June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 21st June 2015

3 Shoveler - scrape 1 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Redshank - scrape, then flew to marsh Gadwall brood - 7 ducklings, scrape   June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Mediterrane

21 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 20th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 20th June 2015

4 Common Tern + 1 chick - main lake island near obs block 1 Little Egret - over river 3 Teal - (all male) wader scrape 2 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Kestrel - hunting over South route June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egret, Hobby, Kestr

20 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 19th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 19th June 2015

1 Redshank - grazing marsh/wader scrape 1 Kingfisher - main lake 60 Swift - over reserve and river 1 Buzzard - over reserve before heading West @ 09.15hrs June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, R

19 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 18th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 18th June 2015

3 Shoveler - marsh 2 Redshank - scrape 1 Kingfisher - entrance lake   June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Mediterranean Gull, Caspian Gull, Kingfisher, Whitethroat, Garden Warbl

18 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 17th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 17th June 2015

4 Shoveler - 2 pairs, scrape 2 Teal - males, scrape 1 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 1 Gadwall brood - 5 ducklings, scrape 1 Oystercatcher - flew low over centre towards main lake 3 Lapwing juveniles - scrape   June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egr

17 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 16th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 16th June 2015

1 Garganey - (female) reservoir lagoon 3 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 2 Gadwall broods - (11 Ducklings) 1 Redshank - grazing marsh 2 Coal Tit - (1 juvenile) entrance area 2 Peregrine - perched on hospital   June bird highlights: Garganey, Little Egret

16 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 15th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 15th June 2015

1 Little Egret - reservoir lagoon 1 Redshank - marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital 20 Swift - main lake   June bird highlights: Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Mediterranean Gull, Caspian Gull, Kingfisher, Whiteth

15 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 14th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 14th June 2015

1 Little Egret - marsh 1 Gadwall brood - 8 ducklings, wader scrape 4 Shoveler - 3 males, 1 female, pair displaying 2 Redshank - marsh 30 Swift - feeding over main lake   June bird highlights: Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Redsha

14 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 13th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 13th June 2015

2 Gadwall broods - reservoir lagoon, wader scrape 1 Pochard brood - reservoir lagoon 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 80 Swift - over reserve and river 1 Hobby - June bird highlights: Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Mediterran

13 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 12th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 12th June 2015

1 Caspian Gull - (1st summer bird) main lake 1 Redshank - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - flew across main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on charing cross hospital 1 Kestrel - June bird highlights: Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Me

13 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 11th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 11th June 2015

1 Hobby - hunting high over main lake 2 Shoveler - marsh 1 Redshank - marsh 4 Lapwing juvs - marsh and scrape 1 Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon 1 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon   June bird highlights: Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover

11 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 10th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 10th June 2015

1 Red-crested Pochard - reservoir lagoon 1 Shoveler - marsh 1 Redshank - marsh 1 Garden Warbler - singing near scrape hide   June bird highlights: Little Egret, Hobby, Kestrel, Little Ringed Plover, Redshank, Mediterranean Gull, Caspian Gull, Kingfis

10 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 9th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 9th June 2015

1 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape 4 Shoveler - wader scrape, main lake 1 Kingfisher - flew towards main lake from South route 1 Hobby - carpark 200 Swift - site count May bird highlights: Bittern, Wood Sandpiper, Little Egret, Ring-necked Duck, Garga

9 June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 8th June 2015

Wildlife sightings for 8th June 2015

2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape, main lake 1 Redshank - marsh 1 Kingfisher - flew over main lake 6 Common Tern - main lake, reservoir lagoon 2 Shoveler - marsh, scrape   May bird highlights: Bittern, Wood Sandpiper, Little Egret, Ring-necked Duck,

8 June 2015