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Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2014

1 Jack Snipe 13 Snipe 1 Peregrine 2 Pintail - both males, main lake and reservoir lagoon 46 Wigeon - main lake, marsh, sheltered lagoon 40 Goldfinch - south route 1 Whinchat 3 Stonechat 4 Siskin - flew over entrance lake towards the South Route (1600hrs)

22 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2014

1 Pintail - main lake 45 Wigeon - main lake, grazing marsh, wader scrape 1 Ruddy duck - main lake 2 Peregrine - over main lake October bird highlights: Hobby, Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, Redshank, Dunlin, Yellow Wagtail, House Marti

21 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 20th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 20th October 2014

1 Jack Snipe - main lake. flew from the 'gull ridge' towards the NE shore of the lake 44 Wigeon - marsh and main lake 2 Stonechat - marsh 1 Rock Pipit - flew E 5 Meadow Pipit - flew W + 2 feeding on the marsh 1 Skylark - flew W 7 Chiffchaff 14 Redwing - f

20 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2014

1 Bittern - main lake, west end 2 Pintail - main lake 1 Ruddy Duck - main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital 500 Black-headed Gull - site count 5 Snipe - marsh 2 Stonechat - marsh 1 Swallow   Additional sightings from yesterday: 1 Green Sandpiper

19 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 18th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 18th October 2014

2 Common Gull - main lake 300+ Black-Headed Gull - site count 6 Snipe - grazing marsh 5 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon, wildside October bird highlights: Hobby, Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, Redshank, Dunlin, Yellow Wagtail, House Marti

18 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2014

115 Teal - grazing marsh, wader scrape 14 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 5 Redwing - flew W 2 Ring Ouzel - near Sand Martin bank 1 Wheatear - grazing marsh 2 Yellow Wagtail - over main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on charing cross hospital October bird hi

17 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2014

24 Snipe - marsh and scrape 3 Skylark - flew S 8 Meadow Pipit - marsh + 2 flew SW 22 Redwing - flew S/SW/W 2 Stonechat - marsh 13 Chiffchaff - world wetlands, south route, sheltered lagoon, wildside 5 House Martin 1 Swallow   October bird highlights:

16 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 15th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 15th October 2014

12 Brent Geese - flew S down river at 7:40 a.m. 32 Greylag Geese - main lake and marsh 2 Pintail - marsh 1 Ruddy Duck - main lake 1 Redshank - main lake 1 Dunlin - main lake 1 Yellow Wagtail 3 Skylark - flew S 1 Water Pipit - reported by the Headley hide

15 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2014

1 Marsh Harrier - flew NE 0820hrs 24 House Martin - feeding main lake and south route, then moving on S 25 Redwing - flew S 1 Pheasant - wader scrape hide 9 Song Thrush - flew S 6 Meadow Pipit - marsh 1 Stonechat - marsh 6 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon, s

14 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2014

6 Little Egret - flew low over the marsh, heading NW 3 Mandarin - world wetlands 230 Black-headed Gull - main lake, reservoir lagoon 1 Jack Snipe - marsh 1 Kingfisher - marsh   October bird highlights: Hobby, Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Gre

13 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2014

2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon and marsh 93 Gadwall - site count 62 Shoveler - site count 55 Wigeon - site count 1 Greenshank - main lake then flew S 1 Green Sandpiper - flew over Wildside and landed on reservoir lagoon island in front of Wildside hide 2 Ja

12 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 11th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 11th October 2014

2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 3 Stonechat - grazing marsh 5 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon 2 Peregrine - perched on charing cross hospital Late September bird highlights: Hobby, Peregrine, Spotted Redshank, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpip

11 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2014

2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 1 Ruddy Duck - reservoir lagoon 14 House Martin - reservoir lagoon 3 Stonechat - wader scrape Late September bird highlights: Hobby, Peregrine, Spotted Redshank, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, White

10 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2014

2 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 15 House Martin - pushed down onto the reservoir lagoon by heavy rain 40 Goldfinch - around explore feeders 1 Kestrel - entrance area Late September bird highlights: Hobby, Peregrine, Spotted Redshank, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper

9 October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 8th October 2014

Wildlife sightings for 8th October 2014

2 Pintail - pair, reservoir lagoon 59 Wigeon - main lake 4 Snipe - main lake 3 Stonechat - 2f 1m, showing well on the fox fence close to the Peacock Tower   Also several migrant Blackbirds on the south route   Additional sighting from yesterday:

8 October 2014