Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 9th May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 9th May 2014

4 Common Tern - main lake and reservoir lagoon tern rafts 1 Dunlin - grazing marsh close to wildside hide 1 Greenshank - grazing marsh close to wildside hide 2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape 50 Swift - 7 House Martin - 1 Garden Warbler - singing bet

9 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 8th May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 8th May 2014

1 Little Egret 2 Shoveler - marsh 1 Mandarin 1 Common Sandpiper - resr lagoon and marsh 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Greenshank - marsh 1 Red Kite - took off from the entrance bank sheep field a.m. 4 Common Tern - on main lake tern rafts 2 Swallow -

8 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 7th May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 7th May 2014

3 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Greenshank - marsh 1 Peregrine 1 Kestrel - hunting 4 Common Tern - on main lake tern rafts 1 Yellow-legged Gull 1st summer - main lake 1 Yellow Wagtail - main lake 2 Swallow - singing around the Peacock Tower 60+ Swift -

7 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 6th May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 6th May 2014

5 Common Tern - main lake 1 Greenshank - grazing marsh 1 Common Sandpiper - wader scrape 2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape 1 Garden warbler - between WWF hide and P.tower Channel 1 Whitethroat - beside wader scrape hide 14 Swallow - 1 Whinchat - wild

6 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 5th May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 5th May 2014

1 Little Egret - scrape early a.m. 1 Hobby - hunting Swifts 1 Kestrel - male, south route 2 Bar-tailed Godwit - male and female, scrape 1 Greenshank - marsh 1 Common Sandpiper - scrape 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 3 Little Tern - flew SE c. 11:30 a.m.

5 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 4th May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 4th May 2014

3 Red Kite - first bird landed briefly in the entrance bank sheep field then gained height over the centre, circling for 15-30mins at 1150hrs 1 Goshawk - flew S 1125hrs 1 Marsh Harrier 4 Little Ringed Plover - scrape, main lake 8 Redshank 16 Lapwing 1 S

4 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 3rd May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 3rd May 2014

2 Hobby 2 Red-crested Pochard - pair. main lake p.m. 4 Little Ringed Plover - scrape, main lake 1 Common Sandpiper - marsh 8 Redshank 1 Green Sandpiper - late p.m. on to the marsh 15 Swift 6 Common Tern - main lake, resr lagoon p.m. 2 Garden Warbler -

3 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 2nd May 2014

1 Little Egret - main lake (in front Headley Hide a.m.) 1 Common Sandpiper - marsh 1 Green Sandpiper - marsh 3 Snipe - marsh 2 Little Ringed Plover - main lake, marsh 4 Common Tern - main lake and resr lagoon 2 Garden Warbler - sheltered lagoon 7 Swall

2 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 1st May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 1st May 2014

1 Green Sandpiper - marsh p.m. 6 Dunlin - one flock flew around the marsh together, with one bird coming back to the marsh/main lake 9 Whimbrel - circled over marsh, plus one landed on marsh around midday 3 Little Ringed Plover - display flight over ma

1 May 2014

Wildlife sightings for 30th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 30th April 2014

1 Oystercatcher - marsh 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 4 Common Tern - main lake (7 seen displaying over main lake late p.m. 29th) 1 Hobby - high over marsh 1 Kingfisher - wader scrape 2 Garden Warbler - south route, sheltered lagoon 4 Whitethroat - r

30 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2014

1 Shelduck - scrape 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 2 Snipe - marsh 3 Common Tern - main lake 2 Kingfisher - south route 7 Cetti's Warbler - site count 2+ Garden Warbler - singing 2 Whitethroat - both singing, 1 NE corner, 1 S side of sheltered lagoon &nb

29 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 28th April 2014

1 Shelduck - scrape 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 6 Redshank - incl. a mating pair - scrape, marsh 1 Snipe - marsh 3 Common Tern - main lake 1 Whitethroat - singing sheltered lagoon   Please note, the number of Sand Martins nesting has dropped over

28 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 27th April 2014

1 Hobby - over sheltered lagoon 8 Redshank - scrape and main lake 3 Little Ringed Plover - including a pair mating on the scrape 1 Snipe - marsh 2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Yellow Wagtail - heard calling near the Peacock Tower 2 Garden Warbler - sheltered

27 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 26th April 2014

1 Shelduck - main lake 3 Common Tern - main lake 1 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape 1 Grasshopper Warbler - reedbed filters 2 Garden Warbler - near Sand Martin bank, on L.H.S as you approach Peacock tower 1 Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon near wader sc

26 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 25 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 25 April 2014

2 Shelduck - main lake 3 Common Tern - main lake 3 Little Ringed plover - wader scrape 5 Snipe - grazing marsh 26 Swallow - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Garden Warbler - South route feeders 2 Whitethroat - in scrub around sand martin bank, sheltered lagoon

25 April 2014