Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 9th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 9th April 2014

1 Common Tern - over main lake, evening. First of the year 1 Green Sandpiper - main lake 8 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 3 Meadow Pipit - 1 on the grazing marsh, 2 flew NW 1 Wheatear - wader scrape bank 2 Linnet - flew over NW, SE 1 Sedge Warbler - sin

9 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 8th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 8th April 2014

8 Redshank 11 Sand Martin - scrape, main lake 1 Yellow Wagtail - scrape 1 Redpoll - entrance area a.m. 1 Swallow - over wildside a.m. 5+ Willow Warbler - sheltered lagoon, wildside March/April bird highlights: Buzzard, Red Kite, Jack Snipe, Little Ringed

8 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 7th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 7th April 2014

1 Wheatear - male - scrape bank (among the Cowslips) 1 Grasshopper Warbler - singing from the scrub on the main lake/world wetlands border not far from Headley Hide. Later heard again towards the main reedbed 14 Sand Martin - over scrape and sheltered lag

7 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 6th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 6th April 2014

1 Green Sandpiper - marsh 10 Snipe - scrape and marsh 10 Sand Martin - over scrape/marsh 2 House Martin - over scrape/marsh - first of the year 7 Swallow - over scrape/marsh - first of the year 1 Sedge Warbler - singing briefly on the marsh - first of th

6 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 5th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 5th April 2014

1 Little Ringed Plover - moving between main lake and wader scrape 10 Redshank - wader scrape 4 Blackcap - sheltered lagoon 2 Willow Warbler 4 Chiffchaff - sheltered lagoon, wildside 5 Linnet - flew over N 5 Buzzard - flew over in various directions 6+ S

5 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 4th April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 4th April 2014

2 Oystercatcher - main lake 1 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 7 Snipe - grazing marsh 1 Little Egret - grazing marsh 10 Sand Martin - wader scrape, grazing marsh, 2 flew NW 1 Linnet - flew over N 9 Cetti's Warbler - site count 6 Blackcap - site count 1 Per

4 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 3rd April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 3rd April 2014

2 Little Ringed Plover - main lake islands nearest to WWF and Peacock tower hides 7 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh 6 Sand Martin - wader scrape 1 Willow Warbler - singing by Peacock tower channel 1 Blackcap - singing from west bank Additional sigh

3 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 2nd April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 2nd April 2014

7 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh, main lake 5 Sand Martin - 2 Red Poll - flew out of South route 3 Blackcap - wildside, sheltered lagoon, reservoir lagoon 6 Chiffchaff - wildside, south route, sheltered lagoon March bird highlights: Buzzard, Jack

2 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 1st April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 1st April 2014

1 Iceland Gull - main lake @ 8.00am 1 Little Gull - flew over W 1 Green Sandpiper - grazing marsh 6 Snipe - grazing marsh 8 Redshank - grazing marsh, wader scrape 8 Sand Martin - 1 Siberian Chiffchaff - singing and showing well W of Dulverton hide 5 Chif

1 April 2014

Wildlife sightings for 31st March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 31st March 2014

1 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 18 Wigeon - still clinging on, scrape bank and marsh 7+ Redshank - all calling vociferously and very mobile, so this is a minimum count 2 Blackcap - singing, E and W banks   March bird highlights: Buzzard, Jack Snipe,

31 March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 30th March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 30th March 2014

7 Redshank - scrape and marsh 3 Sand Martin - over scrape 1 Blackcap - singing west bank 4 Cetti's Warbler - singing   March bird highlights: Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Yellow-legged Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Bearded Tit, Brambl

30 March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 29th March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 29th March 2014

1 Shelduck - wader scrape 1 Oystercatcher - main lake 1 Ringed Plover - heard calling in flight over reserve 7 Redshank - wader scrape, grazing marsh, main lake 1 Green Sandpiper - 2 Sand Martin - 2 Willow Warbler - singing by board walk near WWF hide, b

29 March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 28th March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 28th March 2014

5 Redshank - wader scrape, main lake 6 Snipe - grazing marsh 1 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh 3 Sand Martin - 1 Siberian Chiffchaff - singing from L.H.S hedge beside Peacock tower March bird highlights: Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Ye

28 March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 27th March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 27th March 2014

1 Goshawk female - flew SE over main lake chased by Black-headed Gulls and Crows to the river 0820hrs 6 Redshank - marsh, scrape 2 Sand Martin 6 Chiffchaff 1 Willow Warbler - wildside (calling) March bird highlights: Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Redshank, Gree

27 March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 26th March 2014

Wildlife sightings for 26th March 2014

1 Green Sandpiper - wader scrape 5 Redshank - wader scrape 1 Siberian Chiffchaff - in tree blocks beside explore toilets 6 Cetti's Warbler - site count 3 Sand Martin - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - circling high over main lake March bird highli

26 March 2014