Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 7th January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 7th January 2014

102 Shoveler - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 8 Snipe - 4 flew W, grazing marsh 54 Lapwing - main lake 13 Fieldfare - wildside 1 Peregrine - over main lake Late December/early January bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Goose, Bittern

7 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 6th January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 6th January 2014

1 Rock Pipit - marsh (during heavy rain a.m.) 3 Cetti's Warbler - main lake, wildside 1 Bittern - main lake S shore a.m. 1 Jack Snipe - marsh 120 Teal - mostly on the scrape Late December/early January bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Goose, Bittern, Pe

6 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 5th January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 5th January 2014

108 Shoveler - main lake, marsh 2 Pintail - main lake 35 Wigeon - marsh, scrape 1 Bittern - main lake 12 Snipe - marsh, scrape, main lake 4 Jack Snipe - 3 on the marsh 121 Black-headed Gull - main lake, scrape 50 Redwing - entrance area plus flyovers 1 B

5 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 4th January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 4th January 2014

1 Bittern - main lake N shore near Headley hide 2 Pintail - main lake 2 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape 13 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital December bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Goose, Bittern, Peregrine,

4 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 3rd January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 3rd January 2014

1 Bittern - spotted on the N shore main lake (late morning) 1 Jack Snipe - centre of the grazing marsh 81 Shoveler - grazing marsh, main lake 5 Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape 1 Kingfisher - flew along reservoir lagoon 60 Redwing - entrance area, wil

3 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 2nd January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 2nd January 2014

1 Bittern - flew into reedbed from main lake 1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 2 Common Gull - main lake 120+ Redwing - flew off from Barnes common, 25 on reservoir lagoon N bank 1 Kingfisher - flew across main lake December bird highlights: Goosander, Brent G

2 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 1st January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 1st January 2014

1 Shelduck - wader scrape 2 Pintail - main lake 1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 5 Snipe - grazing marsh 19 Redwing - entrance area, wildside 12 Fieldfare - flew over W December bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Goose, Bittern, Peregrine, Glossy Ibis, Jack Sn

1 January 2014

Wildlife sightings for 31st December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 31st December 2013

1 Bittern - main lake SE corner perched 2m up in reeds a.m. 30 Redwing - entrance area (particularly the Holly trees), wildside 22 Fieldfare - entrance area 2 Meadow Pipit - over the marsh 60 Teal - marsh 80+ Shoveler - main lake, marsh 10 Snipe - marsh,

31 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 30th December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 30th December 2013

1 Skylark - on the marsh, sheltering along the edge of the reedbed 25 Linnet - flew SE at 1600hrs (as one flock) 50 Redwing - entrance area (particularly the Holly trees), sheltered lagoon, wildside 12 Fieldfare - entrance area 11 Meadow Pipit - over mai

30 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 29th December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 29th December 2013

1 Bittern - seen from the Observatory 98 Shoveler - main lake, marsh 4 Pintail - 2 pairs, marsh and main lake 58 Teal - marsh 8 Snipe - marsh and scrape 40 Redwing - entrance area and in bushes along Queen Elizabeth's Walk. 214 birds recorded coming into

29 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 28th December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 28th December 2013

103 Shoveler - main lake, marsh 1 Bittern - main lake 63 Egyptian Goose - flew on to the main lake at dusk 1 Glossy Ibis - flew S at 3:50 p.m. 1 Green Sandpiper - main lake 40 Lapwing - main lake 7 Snipe - main lake, marsh 144 Redwing - 70 flew SW, 30 on

28 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 26th December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 26th December 2013

2 Pintail - pair, main lake 2 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 7 Snipe - marsh, scrape 2 Collared Dove - world wetlands 50 Redwing - world wetlands and entrance area 15 Fieldfare - roosted by sheltered lagoon   December bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Go

26 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 24th December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 24th December 2013

1 Bittern - main lake N shore close to Headley hide 5 Water Rail - South route, grazing marsh 19 Fieldfare - around entrance area, wildside 2 Siskin - explore feeders with small flock of goldfinch December bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Goose, Bittern,

24 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 23rd December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 23rd December 2013

2 Brent Geese - flew on to main lake 1550hrs from the river, calling 9 Snipe - marsh, scrape 2 Pintail - scrape 70 Shoveler 30 Redwing   December bird highlights: Goosander, Brent Goose, Bittern, Peregrine, Jack Snipe, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Tawny

23 December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 22nd December 2013

Wildlife sightings for 22nd December 2013

11 Snipe - marsh, scrape and 3 that flew NW a.m. 2 Dunlin - flew W 1 Bittern - perching on N shore of main lake a.m., not far from the Headley Hide 40+ Redwing - some feeding/perching in wildside and world wetlands + birds moving SW+W through the mornin

22 December 2013