Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 5th November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 5th November 2013

1 Redshank - grazing marsh 6 Pintail - flew SE 5 Water Rail - South route, main lake 10 Redwing - flew S/SW 4 Meadow Pipit - flew SW, SE 2 Bearded Tit - 1 beside Headley hide, 1 flew high over reedbed 1 Lesser Redpoll - wildside 3 Red Kite - 1 flew N, 1

5 November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 4th November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 4th November 2013

1 Bearded Tit - calling in reedbeds, then flew SW 49 Shoveler - marsh, scrape, main lake 2 Peregrine - hospital 3 Snipe - marsh 2 Water Rail - reedbed and sheltered lagoon   October bird highlights: Garganey, Pink-footed Goose, Great Skua, Bittern, J

4 November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 3rd November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 3rd November 2013

14,900 Woodpigeon - flew SW 1 Bittern - main lake 1 Little Egret - briefly on grazing marsh 1 Bearded Tit - calling to right hand side of Dulverton hide 1 Brambling - flew SW 3 Linnet - flew SE 1 Lesser Redpoll - flew SW 3 Reed Bunting - flew SW   Oc

3 November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 2nd November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 2nd November 2013

1 Bittern - flew from main lake N shore into reedbed 1 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 4 Snipe - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - wildside 2 Siskin - wildside 1 Peregrine - Charing cross hospital ledge October bird highlights: Garganey, Pink-footed Goose, Great Sk

2 November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 1st November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 1st November 2013

2 Bittern - both seen on main lake before one flew into reedbed 2 water Rail - grazing marsh close to Peacock tower 9 Redwing - flew SW 3 Siskin - with a flock of Goldfinch along South route 1 Peregrine - on Charing Cross hospital October bird highlights:

1 November 2013

Wildlife sightings for 31st October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 31st October 2013

2 Dunlin - flew W 16 Snipe - flew on to the marsh from the NW a.m. 20 Redwing - flew W 8 Siskin - wildside 4 Skylark - flew NW 4 Linnet - flew NW 13 Meadow Pipit - flew NW 1 Kingfisher - scrape October bird highlights: Garganey, Pink-footed Goose, Great

31 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 30th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 30th October 2013

2 Great Skua - flew N at dawn. This is our second record of this species and the first for around a decade. 15,700 Woodpigeon - flew SW 2 Pintail - females, main lake 2 Little Egret - flew NW 5 Meadow Pipit - flew SW 7 Song Thrush - flew S/W 4 Redwing - f

30 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2013

1 Bittern - 2 Pintail - wader scrape, grazing marsh 177 Shoveler - main lake, wader scrape, grazing marsh 121 Teal - wader scrape, grazing marsh, main lake 90 Wigeon - grazing marsh, sheltered lagoon 1 Peregrine - on Charing cross hospital 2 Siskin - Sout

29 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 28th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 28th October 2013

1 Pintail - marsh 1 Mandarin - world wetlands 480 Black-headed Gull - marsh 1 Kestrel - male, on site 2 Peregrine - on hospital, with Feral Pigeon prey 12 Snipe - marsh 1 Redwing - flew W 1 Chiffchaff - near Peacock Tower 1 Siskin - south route   Oct

28 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 27th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 27th October 2013

1 Pintail - female, scrape 2 Peregrine - hunting on site 5 Snipe - marsh 524 Black-headed Gull - marsh and main lake 2 Meadow Pipit - flew SW 3 Redwing - flew SW/NW 140 Starling - migrating W 2 Linnet - flew S   Please note the Summer Route has now c

27 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 26th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 26th October 2013

1 Bittern - flew into reedbed 2 Pintail - grazing marsh 3 water Rail - reedbed 18 Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape 2 Meadow Pipit - flew S,SW 5 Redwing - 1 flew SW 4 circled site 6 Cetti's Warbler - all singing 4 Chiffchaff - 2 Linnet - flew S 3 Siskin

26 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2013

152 Shoveler - main lake, grazing marsh, wader scrape 8 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 2 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon 1 Bittern - flew into middle reedbed channel from main lake October bird highlights: Garganey, Pink-footed Goose, Bittern

25 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2013

1 Bittern - flying E over main lake 85 Redwing - flew W 3 Song Thrush - flew W 1 Kingfisher - wildside 1 Mealy Redpoll - flew SW 2 Redpoll - flew SW 2 Chiffchaff - wildside 2 Peregrine 32 Snipe - marsh, scrape October bird highlights: Garganey, Pink-foote

24 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2013

1 Water Pipit - flew twice around the main lake 95 Wigeon - marsh 64 Teal - main lake, marsh 2 Peregrine - main lake, sat on long shingle island, later seen harassing gulls c. 520 Black-headed Gull - main lake, marsh, reservoir lagoon   Recent bird h

23 October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2013

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2013

93 Wigeon - grazing marsh, sheltered lagoon, wader scrape 104 Shoveler - main lake, wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Mandarin - main lake 9 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - Charing cross hospital ledge 1 Chiffchaff - entrance lake Recent bi

22 October 2013