Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 14th July 2023

Wildlife sightings for 14th July 2023

Whimbrel, Green Sandpipers and Snipe on the marsh. Grasshopper Warbler by Headley Hide

14 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 13th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 13th July 2023

Green Sandpipers on reservoir lagoon and marsh. Little Egrets on the main lake

13 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 12th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 12th July 2023

Cuckoo spotted again by wader scrape, Common Sandpipers on reservoir lagoon and Redstart at the sheltered lagoon

12 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 11th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 11th July 2023

Sedge Warblers calling from marsh, plus Green Sandpiper and Common Tern

11 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 10th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 10th July 2023

Hobby hunting over the main lake. Sedge Warblers, Reed Warblers and Blackcaps singing. Scarce Chaser (south route) and Lesser Emperor (wildside/reedbeds) Dragonflies on site.

10 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 9th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 9th July 2023

1 Kingfisher over the marsh. 1 Kestrel south route. Willow Emerald, Lesser Emperor and Norfolk Hawker spotted on dragonfly walk.

9 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 8th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 8th July 2023

Sparrowhawk hunting over the reserve. A Little Egret on the reservoir lagoon

8 July 2023

Wildlife sightings for 7th July 2023

Wildlife sightings for 7th July 2023

Black-tailed Godwits on main lake

7 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 6th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 6th July 2023

Redshank on the main lake. Bittern on the reservoir lagoon. Kingfisher in wildside

6 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 5th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 5th July 2023

A Juvenile Cuckoo on the wader scrape. Little Ringed Plover on the main lake. 4 Sedge Warbler singing on the marsh

5 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 4th July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 4th July 2023

Kingfisher hunting in the main reedbeds

4 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 3rd July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 3rd July 2023

2 Kingfisher hunting around the reserve

3 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 2nd July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 2nd July 2023

Green sandpiper on main lake, lots of Swift and Sand Martin in the air, juvenile birds all around.

1 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 1st July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 1st July 2023

Plenty of Swift and Sand Martin over the main lake.

1 July 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 30th June 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 30th June 2023

Green Sandpiper and Little Egret on main lake

30 June 2023