Latest sightings

Wildlife Sightings for 28th October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 28th October 2022

Dartford Warbler seen on the wader scrape. Pintail on the grazing marsh

28 October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 27th October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 27th October 2022

Siskin flying over the reserve. Kestrel hovering over wildside.

27 October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 26th October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 26th October 2022

Redwing, Fieldfare and Siskin all flying over site. 2 Pintail on the marsh

26 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2022

Kestrel flying over site. Pintail on the marsh

25 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2022

Redwing across the reserve, as well as many Cetti's Warblers along the south route.

24 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2022

Wet and rainy but Bittern still in the reedbeds and an amazing abundance of winter ducks including a small group of feeding Pintail. Marsh Harrier swooped over, pursued by crows.

23 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 22nd October 2022

High counts of Shoveler and Water Rail today, plus Bittern, Green Sandpiper, Dartford Warblers and winter thrushes

22 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 21st October 2022

Skylarks and Redwings moving through. Water Pipit and Dartford Warbler marsh/scrape. 2 Bittern main lake

21 October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 20th October 2022

Wildlife Sightings for 20th October 2022

Pintail still feeding on the marsh, Dartford Warbler on the wader scrape and Bittern on main lake

20 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 19th October 2022

Pintail on the marsh. Siskin, Skylark and Redwing all flying over. Snipe and Green Sandpiper still feeding

19 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 18th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 18th October 2022

4 Pintail on the marsh and wader scrape. Snipe and Green Sandpipers feeding on site

18 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2022

Autumn ducks and golden leaves

17 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2022

Firecrest in world wetlands. Lots of lovely autumn species feeding on berries and seeds in the hedgerows.

16 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 15th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 15th October 2022

Dartford Warbler still seen on the wader scrape. Large flock of lapwing moving around the main lake. Reed bunting in the wildside reed beds.

15 October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2022

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2022

Dartford Warbler on the wader scrape among the Stonechats. 1 Water Pipit on the marsh.

14 October 2022