Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 17th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 17th March 2022

3 Little Egret feeding on the grazing marsh and wader scrape.

17 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 16th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 16th March 2022

Two Water Pipit showing well on the wader scrape and grazing marsh.

16 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 15th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 15th March 2022

Avocet, Redshank, Water Pipit, Shelduck and Wheatear on the wader scrape

15 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 14th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 14th March 2022

Vocal Redshank and Oystercatcher on site this morning.

14 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 13th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 13th March 2022

2 Dark-bellied Brent Goose on the main lake before moving to the reservoir lagoon.

13 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 12th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 12th March 2022

Spring arrivals including Sand Martin, Blackcap and Chiffchaff. Plus a Firecrest in the car park scrub p.m.

12 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 11th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 11th March 2022

Little Ringed Plover on the wader scrape

11 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 10th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 10th March 2022

First 2 Sand Martin of the season return and a female House Sparrow on the South route.

10 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 9th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 9th March 2022

Stonechat, Water Pipit, Bittern and Oystercatcher recorded today

9 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 8th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 8th March 2022

Bittern showing well on the reservoir lagoon.

8 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 7th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 7th March 2022

2 Jack Snipe on island 21 of the main lake and 3 Stonechat (2 male, 1 female) on the grazing marsh. Female brambling under South route feeders.

7 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 6th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 6th March 2022

Redshank and Oystercatcher showing well this morning.

6 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 5th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 5th March 2022

Dunlin, Oystercatcher pair, Redshank and Bittern on the reserve today

5 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 4th March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 4th March 2022

Two Bittern on the main lake and two Water Pipit on the marsh

4 March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 3rd March 2022

Wildlife sightings for 3rd March 2022

Redshank on the grazing marsh and 2 Curlew over N.

3 March 2022