Latest sightings

Snipe in good view

Snipe in good view

Kestrel & Peregrine spotted this morning

8 October 2019

Common Sandpiper busy feeding and a Stonechat perched proudly on the reserve today

Common Sandpiper busy feeding and a Stonechat perched proudly on the reserve today

Meadow Pipit movement continues South & West

5 October 2019

Kingfisher spotted in wildside

Kingfisher spotted in wildside

Meadow Pipits making their way South & West over the reserve

4 October 2019

Redshank on the main lake

Redshank on the main lake

Redshank on the main lake in front of WWF Hide this morning.

3 October 2019

Stonechat and Meadow Pipit outside Headley Hide

Stonechat and Meadow Pipit outside Headley Hide

3 Red Crested Pochard on the main lake plus a Peregrine and Kestrel hunting on site this morning.

1 October 2019

Migrant Pipits and House Martins moving through

Migrant Pipits and House Martins moving through

Large flock of mixed House Martin and Sand Martin over the main lake moving south. Lots of Chiffchaff on site, especially in wildside

30 September 2019

Common Sandpiper feeding on the main lake

Common Sandpiper feeding on the main lake

1 Common Sandpiper on the re-profiled island of the main lake and 5 Snipe huddled in the iris on the East side of the grazing marsh.

29 September 2019

Kingfisher perched up in Wildside reedbeds

Kingfisher perched up in Wildside reedbeds

100+ House Martin also feeding low over the main lake and reservoir lagoon, and ever-increasing Wigeon numbers across the reserve.

28 September 2019

Snipe huddled amongst the Iris

Snipe huddled amongst the Iris

Good numbers of Snipe feeding and roosting together on the grazing marsh this morning.

27 September 2019

Increase in Teal on the wet marsh fields and first Jack Snipe of the season

Increase in Teal on the wet marsh fields and first Jack Snipe of the season

170+ Teal on the marsh, along with good numbers of Gadwall, Shoveler and Snipe

26 September 2019

Pair of Stonechat on the grazing marsh

Pair of Stonechat on the grazing marsh

Male and female Stonechat showing well on the grazing marsh fence this morning.

25 September 2019

Wigeon numbers on the up

Wigeon numbers on the up

28 Wigeon across the site this morning, many enjoying the shallow pools created on the grazing marsh by recent rainfall.

24 September 2019

Influx of House Martin over the grazing marsh

Influx of House Martin over the grazing marsh

50+ House Martin feeding over the main lake, plus wigeon on the main lake and sheltered lagoon.

23 September 2019

Snipe showing well on the scrape

Snipe showing well on the scrape

Snipe showing very well on the wader scrape with Meadow Pipit and House Martin going over in small numbers this morning.

22 September 2019

Chats on the marsh

Chats on the marsh

Great views of both Stonechat and Whinchat along the Southern edge of the grazing marsh

21 September 2019