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We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Behind the scenes at our white stork health check

Mid-January, the Living Collection team at WWT Martin Mere came together for our annual White Stork health check, a crucial part of ensuring the wellbeing of species.

Two team members checking over a white stork at Martin Mere.

The white storks, a resident bird species at WWT Martin Mere, are monitored each year to ensure they remain in top health.

To kick off the health check, the team work together to form a ‘human wall’ to gently encourage the storks into a small enclosed area. This approach minimises the stress and allows the team to safely complete individual health checks.

A team member of WWT Martin Mere holding a white stork for a health check

Once enclosed, each stork is held under a team members arms and brought out one-by-one. This allows them to easily inspect key parts of their health including their beaks, eyes, feathers, and feet.

After a thorough check, the storks are quickly released back into their habitat.

White Storks at Martin Mere

Martin Mere welcomed the species back in 2017 and soon became a favourite of the visitors. The group has since grown as we have introduced new members and they have successfully raised chicks.

In the wild, the largest population of white storks can be found in Eastern Europe. In winter they migrate to Africa and are rare visitors to the UK.

They are known for their communication method of a unique bill-clattering sound. They tilt back their heads all of the way and rapidly open and close their beaks.

If you’d like to see our white storks in person, they can be found after walking through the Eco Garden. Plan your visit here.

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