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Building homes for people and wildlife

PH_LOGO_CMYKA leading house builder is ensuring both people and wildlife have a safe and comfortable place to live in Lancashire.

Persimmon Homes is sponsoring a new beaver lodge at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre in Burscough, close to the company’s new homes development, The Carriages, in the village.

Diane Finch, sales and marketing director for Persimmon Homes Lancashire, said: “We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously and are passionate about building homes that are sensitive to their surroundings.

“When we were contacted by Marting Mere and we heard about the valuable conservation work of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust we had to go along to find out more.

“The beavers at Martin Mere are the only ones in the North West, and we love them because they are fabulously conscientious builders, constantly working on a dam close to their lodge. We are delighted to support the WWT and the beavers at Martin Mere.”

Persimmon Homes is sponsoring the beaver lodge exhibit, including night vision webcams which allow visitors to to view the beaver family, which was featured in the BBC Autumn watch series.

Victoria Fellowes, Martin Mere marketing manager, said: “Although they were previously native to this country, our European beavers were the first in Lancashire for some 500 years. The pair we settled here – Twiggy and Woody – have since had four kitts, so we have a small family group at the centre.

“Beavers are nature’s engineers, excavating canals and building dams and lodges. Ours have felled the tress to create a central channel linking together our two ponds, exactly how they would have shaped a natural wetland when they populated Lancashire in the past.”

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) is one of the world’s largest and most respected wetland conservation organisations working globally to safeguard and improve wetlands for wildlife and people. WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre enables visitors to explore the flora and fauna of Lancashire’s wetland and offers a range of discovery events throughout the year.

At The Carriages, on Junction Lane, Burscough, Persimmon Homes are creating beautiful quality three, four and five bedroom family homes from as little as £194,995.

To find out more about the development telephone 01704 8944463 or log on to

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