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We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Education at the Heart of Martin Mere

Education is one of the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust’s core activities. At Martin Mere, we see more than ten thousand pupils visit us on school trips every year.

As an environmental charity, education is one of the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust’s core activities. At Martin Mere, we see more than ten thousand pupils visit us on school trips every year. Many of our activities and courses are specifically designed to meet science and geography curriculum targets. Last year, we were delighted that 100% of teachers surveyed said they would recommend a school visit to Martin Mere.

Our core courses cover adaption, food chains, the life of birds, plants, minibeast habitats, mammals and the water cycle. The new Pond Zone has also been a great success, with school children finding an exciting range of wetland creatures in our new ponds and then studying them on TV via a microscope link.

With concern gathering momentum for aquatic environments, especially amongst schoolchildren, we have also now developed four exciting new sessions for primary schools.

As well as our twelve sessions that cover core areas of the Primary School Curriculum, we have now introduced two sessions about Climate Change and Plastic Pollution, which explain these global issues and suggest little things we can all do to help.

Our new Earthwalk session is perfect for teachers and children who want to explore their relationship with the natural world beyond school science. Through a sequence of activities, children will discover a rainbow in a leaf, the shape of birdsong, the scents of the woodland in your very own mixture, and more. The Martin Mere Wetland Centre comes alive during this session!

Finally, starting this autumn, our fourth new course is a dynamic session explaining the mysteries of seeds and soil, which are so important to all life on Earth.

Our busiest season for schools is between June and July, so it is best to book well in advance. However, there is plenty to see and do in all months of the year and, for some, even a winter visit is the best, as children can experience the Icelandic Whooper Swan feeds which are recognised as being one of the best wildlife watching experiences in the UK.

We are committed to ensuring that all our local children receive a fantastic learning experience when they visit Martin Mere and also always welcome input from educators. So, please get in touch with us on 01704 891244 to either book a visit or give us your ideas, or visit the Learning Zone for further details about sessions we offer.

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