Garden Bird Feeders area opens

bird feeders areaWWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre has opened a new garden bird feeders area this week.

The new area can be viewed from the old beaver lodge and it is designed to have feeders really close to the lodge so that children and adults can have fantastic photography opportunities for birds such as juvenile and adult chaffinches, greenfinches, blue tits, blackbirds and robins at this time of year.

The centre will also be launching a junior photography competition for photographs specifically taken of this new area to encourage youngsters to take pictures and enjoy waiting and watching for wildlife that they may not see in chaffinchtheir garden at home.

Centre Manager, Nick Brooks, said: “We wanted to create a quiet area that would allow us to attract more garden birds in the grounds as well as giving the opportunity for visitors to see them up close whilst sat in comfort. This area is also one of the eight activities on our summer nature explorers passport to ensure everyone can enjoy the experience.”

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