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We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Meet Mark Sowerby, Reserve Volunteer

Mark Sowerby volunteers on our reserve. Here is what he had to say about his time volunteering with us.

Volunteers play a key part in supporting WWT. We caught up with some of our volunteers to find out why they started volunteering and their experiences so far.

Mark Sowerby volunteers on our reserve. Here is what he had to say about his time volunteering with us:

“Volunteering at Martin Mere has exceeded my expectations in many ways. I started volunteering in July 2022 and from the first day, I was made very welcome by staff and volunteers alike. I was given a tour of the reserve, the team's activities and future plans.

The diversity of work, and the wildlife, add to the pleasure of volunteering, very few days have been the same. I have learned so much about the resident and migratory birds and the importance of diversity within the reserve."

The reserve is over 500 acre of stunning habitats including wet grassland, reedbed, woodland and hedgerows. We manage each of the habitats to benefit the wildlife that relies on the reserve. 25% of wetland plants and animals are at risk.

One of the best parts of volunteering on the reserve is seeing the results of the work we have done. This can be tawny owls using the boxes we’ve put up, Marsh Harriers nesting in the reedbed we managed or Common Terns nesting on the gravel we put out.We could not do this without volunteers.

Volunteer with us

We’re always on the search for volunteers in a range of roles, including family activities, welcome desk, and reserve. Find out more here.

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