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New Year's resolution ideas for 2025

As we step into the new year, many of us will reflect on how 2024 went and how we’d like to improve our lives throughout 2025.

As we step into the new year, many of us will reflect on how 2024 went and how we’d like to improve our lives throughout 2025.

Whether you want to improve your physical or mental health, spend more time with family, or get started on a new hobby - we’ve got you covered with some rewarding New Year’s resolutions that you can achieve at our wetland centres.

Connect with nature

Connecting with nature can be beneficial in many ways. Spending time in nature can result in us feeling many positive emotions, including happiness, calmness and creativity. Not only this, but it can benefit our mental well-being, with our recent research suggesting that interventions in a wetland environment, in particular, can contribute significantly to the treatment of anxiety and depression.

If you feel that you don’t take enough time to get out into nature, 2025 could be the year to do exactly that. Martin Mere boasts 600 acres of breathtaking wetlands with wide open spaces to explore, and inspiring wildlife to uncover.

Start a new hobby

One of the most popular New Year's resolutions is to find a new hobby to enjoy. Hobbies can be a great stress reliever and an opportunity to meet new people with similar interests. Birdwatching, for example, is a fantastic way to connect with nature and venture into a new hobby - two New Year's resolutions in one!

At WWT Martin Mere, we often run workshops throughout the year. If you’re interested in getting started in something creative such as art or photography, look at our ‘What’s On’ page for any upcoming dates.

Improve your physical health

Walking is one of the easiest ways to feel healthier. Did you know that only 10 minutes of brisk walking can have many health benefits? With plenty of routes at our wetland centres, you can enjoy everything nature has to offer during your walks, and even see something different each time you visit.


Volunteering is an excellent option if you want to give back to your community. Not only does it benefit those around you, but it can also benefit you. We are often on the lookout for a range of volunteers, and you can take a look at our current opportunities via our website. If you don't see your preferred role, get in touch with us at

You can also take a look at the Government website for some volunteering opportunities near you.

Spend more time with friends and family

Sometimes life can get in the way, and we don’t see the people we love as much as we’d like to. Some great ideas to organise with friends and family include film nights, attending classes together, going out for dinner, or doing something as simple as taking a walk or giving them a phone call. Why not even take a trip to our cafe for a coffee and catch up?


Take advantage of unlimited visits with our membership options. For only £9.75 per month, two adults and up to six children or grandchildren can enjoy everything we offer all year round. Find out more.

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