Prize-winning photographs capture the wonder of wetlands

A panel chaired by TV presenter and wildlife photographer Chris Packham judged the national Canon/WWT Photography Competition. Among the winners are two Martin Mere entries: Laura Bristow who came second in the Peoples Choice Category with a picture titled ‘Sweet Dreams’ and Niall Read who came third in the Young Photographer of the Year category with his picture titled ‘Flamingo Care’.

Sweet Dreams by Laura Bristow

In 2012, Martin Mere has held seasonal photography competitions with all of our winners being automatically entered into the national competition to win some amazing prizes.

Centre Manger, Andy Wooldridge, said: “I am delighted that a couple of our regional winners have gone onto do so well in the national competition. All of the pictures are amazing and the quality of entrants has been very high this year. We will look forward to the next photography competition in 2013.”

To look at all of the winning images for all of the categories, please click here

Flamingo care by Niall Read

The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) have seen photography become one of the most popular ways that people engage with nature at their wetland visitor centres. The Canon/WWT Photography Competition gives photographers a place to share the beauty and fragility of wetlands, while recognising the very best talent.

Wetlands are any areas where the ground remains wet for long periods. They have been centres of human civilisation throughout history and they are home to specially-adapted wildlife.

Wetlands are essential to life on Earth. Not only do they control erosion, prevent flooding and influence the climate, they provide and clean the water we drink and use to grow food

Martin Spray is Chief Executive of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT). He said:

“In the last century alone, half the world’s inland wetlands have been lost. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so we asked photographers to showcase some of the rich diversity of wildlife that depend on wetlands. We are delighted with the response and very pleased to announce the winners.”

The Canon/WWT Photography competition 2011-12 has been held in celebration of the centenary of the Scott Antarctic Expedition. WWT was founded by the son of Captain Scott and this year's grand prize is an once-in-a-lifetime trip to Antarctica, courtesy of Exodus in partnership with Quark Expeditions.

Lee Bonniface, Country Director, Canon UK Consumer Imaging, said:

“We’re delighted to partner with the WWT for their 2012 photography competition. It has attracted a stunning array of entries which illustrate, through the power of image, the vital role that our wetlands play in providing a habitat to some of Britain’s most stunning and rare wildlife species. At Canon, we have a philosophy of ‘living and working together for the common good’ and we hope that this competition will inspire more people to take up photography and visit their local wetland centre.”

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