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Hand feeding announcement

We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Your day at a glance

With so much to see and do, take a look at these handy timetables to see what’s on and when each day. This schedule is subject to change.

Saturday 19 October

Activity Time Where Price
Early opening 8am General admission price (WWT Members go free)
Reserve walk 9–10:30am Meet at Play area Free. Bookable on the day.
Fujifilm seminar 9:30-10:30am Pond House (near Asian small-clawed otters) Free. Book now
Waterfowl ringing demonstration 10-11am Discovery Hide Free. Drop in session
Guided Boat Tours 11am-4pm Meet at Canoe Safari £3.50pp. Book now
Birding Languedoc 11-11:45am Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day
Speyside Wildlife: Captivated by Wildlife 11am–12 noon Lecture Theatre Free. Bookable on the day.
Photography workshop with Alan Hewitt 11am-12:30pm Meet at Pond House (near Asian small-clawed otters) £5pp. Book now
Bird Ringing demonstration 12 noon-2pm Janet Kear Hide Free. Drop-in session.
Nick Wilcox-Brown: Birds Through the Lens 12 noon-12:45pm Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day.
Nick Brooks: Wildlife Spectacles of Japan 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Theatre Free. Bookable on the day.
Waderquest: Wader Questing Down Under 1-1:45pm Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day.
Fujifilm seminar 1:30-2:30pm Pond house (near Asian small-clawed otters) Free. Book now
Reserve Walk 1:30-2:50pm Meet at play area Free. Bookable on the day.
Curlew Action: Curlews 2-2:45pm Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day.
George McGavin: It's a Wild Life: Tales from Television 2-3pm Lecture Theatre £3pp. Bookable on the day.
Wild bird feed and talk 3pm Discovery Hide Free. Drop-in session
Bury Swifts: Bird’s Eye View of a Swift Rehabber 3:30-4:30pm Lecture Theatre Free. Bookable on the day.
Late Night Opening 5:30-7pm Discovery Hide and Nature Trail Free entry after 5:30pm

Sunday 20 October

Activity Time Where Price
Early opening 8am General admission price (WWT Members go free)
Reserve walk 9-10:30am Meet at Play area Free. Bookable on the day.
Fujifilm seminar 9:30-10:30am Pond house (near Asian small-clawed otters) Free. Drop-in session.
Waterfowl ringing demonstration 10-11am Discovery Hide Free. Drop-in session.
Guided Boat Tours 11am-4pm Meet at Canoe Safari £3.50pp. Book now
Birding Languedoc 11-11:45am Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day.
Simon Roy: Adventures of a Wildlife Photographer 11am-12pm Lecture Theatre Free. Bookable on the day.
Photography workshop with Alan Hewitt 11am-12:30pm Meet at Pond House (near Asian small-clawed otters) £5pp. Book now
Bird ringing demonstration 12-2pm Janet Kear Hide Free. Drop-in session.
Gillian Burke: IT’S BEHIND YOU! 12:30-1:30pm Lecture Theatre Free. Bookable on the day.
Nick Wilcox-Brown: Birds Through the Lens 1pm-1:45pm Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day.
Fujifilm Seminar 1:30-2:30pm Pond house (near Asian small-clawed otters) Free. Book now
Reserve walk 1:30-2:50pm Meet at play area Free. Bookable on the day.
Curlew Action: Natural History GCSE 2-2:45pm Education Centre Free. Bookable on the day.
Wild bird feed and talk 3pm Discovery Hide Free. Drop-in session.
Nick Baker: Turning a Church Into a Big Bird Box 2-3pm Lecture Theatre £3pp. Bookable on the day.